aristides, philostratus, apollonius, keil, chair, eurip, damis, sophokl, aelius_aristides, savile, behr, aeschyl, sacred, chrysostom, tales, armenian, moeragenes, sophist, western, heroicus, catena, uncontr, apollonii, leptinean, asclepius, bowie, declamations, ephrem, vita, declamation, strom, dindorf, acts, philumene, smyrna, contr, herodes, hippodromus, gloss, jones, apographe, bezan, philostratus_the_elder, schmid, libanius, tyana, weinreich, chairs, heraclides, kaiserrede
Demosthenic Scholia in Codex Laurentianus 59, 9. Mervin R. Dilts. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1974), pp. 97-102
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A New Fragment of Cicero's De Republica. C. A. Behr. American Journal of Philology. (Summer, 1974), pp. 141-149
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The Medieval Manuscripts of the Works and Days. M. L. West. Classical Quarterly. (Dec., 1974), pp. 161-185
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Intrusive Oblique Infinitives in Herodotus. Guy L. Cooper, III. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1974), pp. 23-76
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Noun-Epithet Combinations in the Homeric Hymn to Demeter. Julia H. Gaisser. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1974), pp. 113-137
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Sophocles, Trachiniae 1046-7. B. Jaya Suriy. Classical Review. (Mar., 1974), pp. 3
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The Noun Participle in Aeschylus. S. Ireland. Classical Review. (Mar., 1974), pp. 2-3
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Some Inscriptions from the Cappadocian Limes. T. B. Mitford. Journal of Roman Studies. (1974), pp. 160-175
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ΒΙΟΣ in Sophocles' Philoctetes. Alan S. Henry. Classical Review. (Mar., 1974), pp. 3-4
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Die Aufhebung der Gracchischen Agrarreform. Klaus Meister. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (1st Qtr., 1974), pp. 86-97
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Sound-Patterns in Homer. David W. Packard. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1974), pp. 239-260
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Toward Knowing Thucydides. John R. Grant. The Phoenix. (Spring, 1974), pp. 81-94
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