idem, romain, empire, roman_empire, sous, i988, i989, i987, i986, i990, i982, i984, i985, i983, i992, i99i, siecle, jones, latomus, millar, anrw, chiron, i98i, i993, i980, actes, i994, acta, i977, brunt, i996, monde, politique, reynolds, syrie, i995, auguste, brussels, grecques, epigraphica, leiden, i979, crawford, i975, i974, i998, romischen, bull, duncan-jones, i997
Bibliography of Current Archaeological Literature 1898 January-June. Harold N. Fowler. American Journal of Archaeology. (Sep. - Oct., 1898), pp. 403-464
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Third Annual Report of the Managing Committee of the American School of Classical Studies in Rome. Wm. Gardner Hale, Clement L. Smith. American Journal of Archaeology. (Nov. - Dec., 1898), pp. 504-529
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On the Sequence after 'Ne'' Prohibitive. II. W. D. Geddes. Classical Review. (Nov., 1898), pp. 395-399
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