idem, romain, empire, roman_empire, sous, i988, i989, i987, i986, i990, i982, i984, i985, i983, i992, i99i, siecle, jones, latomus, millar, anrw, chiron, i98i, i993, i980, actes, i994, acta, i977, brunt, i996, monde, politique, reynolds, syrie, i995, auguste, brussels, grecques, epigraphica, leiden, i979, crawford, i975, i974, i998, romischen, bull, duncan-jones, i997
A Bronze Bust of a Iulio-Claudian Prince (? Caligula) in the Museum of Colchester; With a Note on the Symbolism of the Globe in Imperial Portraiture. Mrs. S. Arthur Strong. Journal of Roman Studies. (1916), pp. 27-46
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Archaeological Discussions. William N. Bates. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct. - Dec., 1916), pp. 475-509
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The Judas Iscariot Curse. H. Martin. American Journal of Philology. (1916), pp. 434-451
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The Mints of Roman Arabia and Mesopotamia. G. F. Hill. Journal of Roman Studies. (1916), pp. 135-169
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Two Roman Portrait-Busts in the NY Carlsberg Glyptothek. Frederik Poulsen. Journal of Roman Studies. (1916), pp. 47-55
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The Magistri of Campania and Delos. A. E. R. Boak. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1916), pp. 25-45
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