baetica, hispania, index, bellido, iler, schulten, arqueologia, lusitania, sobre, iberica, brill, carthago, tarraconensis, castulo, tarraco, nova, blazquez, tartessian, emerita, huelva, iberia, tartessos, galicia, cerro, rodriguez, conventus, citerior, mainake, sertorius, saguntum, segontia, c6rdoba, diaz, devotio, indigenous, ortiz, ulterior, le6n, phoenician, augusta, pedro, gonzalez, juan, romano, actas, como, keay, koninklijke, online, aearq
Notes on the Text of the ἈΘΗΝΑΙΩΝ ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΑ. F. G. Kenyon. Classical Review. (Jun., 1891), pp. 269-270
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On the Use of the Hiatus in the ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΑ. J. W. Headlam. Classical Review. (Jun., 1891), pp. 270-272
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