baetica, hispania, index, bellido, iler, schulten, arqueologia, lusitania, sobre, iberica, brill, carthago, tarraconensis, castulo, tarraco, nova, blazquez, tartessian, emerita, huelva, iberia, tartessos, galicia, cerro, rodriguez, conventus, citerior, mainake, sertorius, saguntum, segontia, c6rdoba, diaz, devotio, indigenous, ortiz, ulterior, le6n, phoenician, augusta, pedro, gonzalez, juan, romano, actas, como, keay, koninklijke, online, aearq
Archaeological News. C. Bradford Welles. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1949), pp. 150-198
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Correlation of Latin and Spanish. Della G. Vance. The Classical Weekly. (Apr. 4, 1949), pp. 201-207
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Archaeological Digest. C. Bradford Welles. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan. - Mar., 1949), pp. 60-75
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Archaeological News. Frederick Johnson. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Sep., 1949), pp. 286-301
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Archaeological Digest. C. Bradford Welles. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Sep., 1949), pp. 302-313
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Archaeological Digest. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct. - Dec., 1949), pp. 390-403
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Eighty-First Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Md., Dec. 28-30, 1949. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1949), pp. 423-459+461-463
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The "Sardinian Fish" of the Greeks and Romans. Alfred C. Andrews. American Journal of Philology. (1949), pp. 171-185
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Archaeological Digest. C. Bradford Welles. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1949), pp. 200-208
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Additions to the Bibliography of Greek and Roman Folklore. Richard Henry Crum. The Classical Weekly. (May 2, 1949), pp. 234-236
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The Latin and English Versions of Thomas May's Supplementum Lucani. R. T. Bruère. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1949), pp. 145-163
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Natural Frequency and Word Counts. William E. Bull. Classical Journal. (May, 1949), pp. 469-484
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Proceedings: American Philological Association Eighty-First Annual Meeting and Philological Association of the Pacific Coast. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1949), pp. i-liv
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Latin for Pleasure. Revilo P. Oliver. The Classical Weekly. (Feb. 7, 1949), pp. 130-134
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