hair, dress, worn, weaving, clothing, garment, purple, cloth, costume, wear, wearing, garments, loom, wool, women, clothes, cloak, textiles, toga, shoes, wore, linen, textile, woven, warp, tunic, robe, dressed, spinning, wild, threads, peplos, silk, naked, shoe, chlamys, weights, robes, nudity, white, leather, spindle, thread, chiton, weft, looms, sprang, mantle, veil, barber
New Suggestions on the Ciris. Robinson Ellis. American Journal of Philology. (1894), pp. 469-494
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Critical Notes on Plato's Laws, IV-VI. W. R. Paton. American Journal of Philology. (1894), pp. 443-453
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English Words Which Hav Gaind or Lost an Initial Consonant by Attraction. Charles P. G. Scott. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1870). (1894), pp. 82-139
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Schmidt's Briefwechsel des Cicero. Second Notice. R. Y. Tyrrell. Classical Review. (Dec., 1894), pp. 466-467
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