hair, dress, worn, weaving, clothing, garment, purple, cloth, costume, wear, wearing, garments, loom, wool, women, clothes, cloak, textiles, toga, shoes, wore, linen, textile, woven, warp, tunic, robe, dressed, spinning, wild, threads, peplos, silk, naked, shoe, chlamys, weights, robes, nudity, white, leather, spindle, thread, chiton, weft, looms, sprang, mantle, veil, barber
The Presentation of Classical Plays. Part III. D. D. Hains. Classical Journal. (May, 1914), pp. 344-353
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Notes on Horace. Charles E. Bennett. Classical Quarterly. (Jul., 1914), pp. 145-150
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Juvenal I. iii: Pedibus albis. G. B. Colburn. Classical Journal. (Jan., 1914), pp. 177-179
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Varroniana: De Lingua Latina: Part I. Edwin W. Fay. American Journal of Philology. (1914), pp. 149-162
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Caes. B.G. I. 3. Arthur L. Keith. Classical Journal. (Jan., 1914), pp. 176-177
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The Presentation of Classical Plays. Part II. D. D. Hains. Classical Journal. (Mar., 1914), pp. 251-260
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Apprentice Contracts and the Apprentice System in Roman Egypt. W. L. Westermann. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1914), pp. 295-315
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Some Greek, Roman and English Tityretus. Walton B. McDaniel. American Journal of Philology. (1914), pp. 52-66
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The Presentation of Classical Plays. Part I. D. D. Hains. Classical Journal. (Feb., 1914), pp. 189-198
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A Note on Two Roman Sepulchral Reliefs. Mrs. S. Arthur Strong. Journal of Roman Studies. (1914), pp. 147-156
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Greek Inscriptions from Sardes V: Decrees of League of the Greeks in Asia and of Sardians Honoring Menogenes. W. H. Buckler, David M. Robinson. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Sep., 1914), pp. 321-362
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The Aged Livia. Katharine A. Esdaile. Journal of Roman Studies. (1914), pp. 139-141
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[Editorial: Wandtafeln, Wandbilder und Modelle (Gall and Rebhann)]. Charles Knapp. The Classical Weekly. (Jan. 10, 1914), pp. 81-82
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Dramatic "Satura". B. L. Ullman. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1914), pp. 1-23
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Hippocratea, I. William Arthur Heidel. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1914), pp. 139-203
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Demosthenes' Leptines, Ch. 7 and Ch. 139. R. J. Shackle. Classical Review. (Mar., 1914), pp. 49-50
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The Abuse of Fire. Walton Brooks McDaniel. The Classical Weekly. (Feb. 14, 1914), pp. 121-125
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A Note on the Word ΚΡΗΔΕΜΝΟΝ. F. A. Wright. Classical Review. (Mar., 1914), pp. 49
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Euripides, Bacchae, 659. J. U. Powell. Classical Review. (Mar., 1914), pp. 48-49
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Notes on the Natvrales Qvaestiones of Seneca [Notes on the Naturales Quaestiones of Seneca]. H. W. Garrod. Classical Quarterly. (Oct., 1914), pp. 272-281
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Archaeological Discussions. William N. Bates. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1914), pp. 199-258
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Archaeological News. William N. Bates. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Sep., 1914), pp. 381-423
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The Story of the Strix: Isidorus and the Glossographers. Samuel Grant Oliphant. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1914), pp. 49-63
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Caesar, Cicero and Ferrero. E. G. Sihler. American Journal of Philology. (1914), pp. 379-399
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Plato's Laws and the Unity of Plato's Thought. I. Paul Shorey. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1914), pp. 345-369
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The Idea of Universal Peace in the Works of Virgil and Dante. Kenneth C. M. Sills. Classical Journal. (Jan., 1914), pp. 139-153
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On the Value of Modern Greek for the Study of Ancient Greek. Albert Thumb. Classical Quarterly. (Jul., 1914), pp. 181-205
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The High School Greek Teacher: His Obligation and His Opportunity. Frank S. Bunnell. The Classical Weekly. (May 16, 1914), pp. 209-212
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Humor Repeats Itself. Irene Nye. Classical Journal. (Jan., 1914), pp. 154-164
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Hints for the Teaching of Beginning Latin. Olivia Pound. Classical Journal. (May, 1914), pp. 334-343
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