armenian, ficino, schanz, garum, omits, cett, marg, version, adds, reads, apicius, sauce, stob, vulg, libri, codex, renders, melinno, discourse, fecit, stobaeus, badham, allec, muria, liquamen, const, caius, conjectured, translator, trinity, conj, dist, implies, late_latin, nutton, bryennius, asicius, goulston, retains, basle, guinther, eusebius, fish, john_caius, stephanus, arioof, richards, haslehurst, herring, meditations
The Language of the Vindolanda Writing Tablets: An Interim Report. J. N. Adams. Journal of Roman Studies. (1995), pp. 86-134
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The Date of Pindar's Fifth Nemean and Bacchylides' Thirteenth Ode. Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer. Classical Quarterly. (1995), pp. 318-332
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À nouveau le savon de Constantin. Jean-Pierre Callu. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (4th Qtr., 1995), pp. 500-502
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A Joke in Old Comedy: Aristophanes Fragment 607 PCG. Matthew Dickie. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1995), pp. 241-245
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