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More about the Dialogus of Tacitus. W. Peterson. American Journal of Philology. (1914), pp. 74-78
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The Codex Bambergensis of the First Decade of LIVY (I.-VII. 17). A. H. Kyd. Classical Quarterly. (Oct., 1914), pp. 248-253
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The Archetype of Our Iliad and the Papyri. George Melville Bolling. American Journal of Philology. (1914), pp. 125-148
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Archaeological Discussions. William N. Bates. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1914), pp. 199-258
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Varroniana: De Lingua Latina: Part II. Edwin W. Fay. American Journal of Philology. (1914), pp. 245-267
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Varroniana: De Lingua Latina: Part I. Edwin W. Fay. American Journal of Philology. (1914), pp. 149-162
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On the Text of the Stromateis of Clement of Alexandria. J. P. Postgate. Classical Quarterly. (Oct., 1914), pp. 237-247
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Notes on Ovid's Ibis, Ex Ponto Libri, and Halievtica. [Notes on Ovid's Ibis, Ex Ponto Libri, and Halieutica]. S. G. Owen. Classical Quarterly. (Oct., 1914), pp. 254-271
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National Exempla Virtvtis in Roman Literature. Henry Wheatland Litchfield. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1914), pp. 1-71
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Mediaeval Versions of the Posterior Analytics. Charles H. Haskins. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1914), pp. 87-105
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Der Apokalypse Text in Dem Kom-Mentar-Codex Messina 99. Hermann von Soden. American Journal of Philology. (1914), pp. 179-191
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Proceedings of the Forty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association Held at Haverford, Pa., December, 1914 Also of the May and November Meetings of the Philological Association of the Pacific Coast Held Respectively at Seattle, Washington, and San Francisco, California 1914. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1914), pp. i-iii+v-ci
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Notes on the Natvrales Qvaestiones of Seneca [Notes on the Naturales Quaestiones of Seneca]. H. W. Garrod. Classical Quarterly. (Oct., 1914), pp. 272-281
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Another Experiment with the Direct Method in Greek. Jane Gray Carter. The Classical Weekly. (Apr. 4, 1914), pp. 171-172
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Addenda et Corrigenda: The Storm-Tossed Transports: A Reply. T. Rice Holmes. Classical Journal. (Mar., 1914), pp. 279
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Vindiciae Platonicae I. John Burnet. Classical Quarterly. (Oct., 1914), pp. 230-236
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Archaeological News. William N. Bates. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan. - Mar., 1914), pp. 85-127
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Notes on Attic Inscriptions. Allan Chester Johnson. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1914), pp. 417-441
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Robert Browning and Alciphron. Sidney N. Deane. Classical Journal. (Mar., 1914), pp. 277-279
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Emendations in Plato's Phaidros. H. G. Viljoen. Classical Quarterly. (Jan., 1914), pp. 7-8
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The Importance of the Veronese Palimpsest in the First Decade of Livy. Clara M. Knight. Classical Quarterly. (Jul., 1914), pp. 166-180
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A New Fragment of the Decree of Chremonides. Kendall K. Smith. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1914), pp. 225-234
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Spanish Inscriptions-Additional Comment. H. Martin. American Journal of Philology. (1914), pp. 400-420
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Greek Inscriptions from Sardes V: Decrees of League of the Greeks in Asia and of Sardians Honoring Menogenes. W. H. Buckler, David M. Robinson. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Sep., 1914), pp. 321-362
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A Rejected Poem and a Substitute: Catullus LXVIII A and B. Tenney Frank. American Journal of Philology. (1914), pp. 67-73
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