dative, fore, locative, intensive, constraint, embedded, control, perfect, lyrical, instrumental, predication, directive, situations, epistemic, datives, prolepsis, semantic, predications, constraints, echein, modal, futurum, violation, intention, einai, agent, stephens, spatial, genitive, laurence, sociative, unto, free, sophokles, festus, adjuncts, denoting, fairbanks, macfe, imperishable, modality, objective, sk-suffix, offore, xxxvii, deontic, i886, reconsidered, underfore, adjective
Zum Verhältnis Athens zu seinen Bündnern im attisch-delischen Seebund. Harald Popp. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (Oct., 1968), pp. 425-443
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Cosmological Myth and the Tuna of Gibraltar. John Pairman Brown. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1968), pp. 37-62
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Transformations in the Latin Nominal Phrase. David H. Kelly. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1968), pp. 46-52
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Notes on the Agamemnon and Persae of Aeschylus. James Diggle. Classical Review. (Mar., 1968), pp. 1-4
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On the Use of the Vocative in Alexandrian Epic. Giuseppe Giangrande. Classical Quarterly. (May, 1968), pp. 52-59
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Some Stylistic Notes on Iliad XVIII. Mark W. Edwards. American Journal of Philology. (Jul., 1968), pp. 257-283
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