dative, fore, locative, intensive, constraint, embedded, control, perfect, lyrical, instrumental, predication, directive, situations, epistemic, datives, prolepsis, semantic, predications, constraints, echein, modal, futurum, violation, intention, einai, agent, stephens, spatial, genitive, laurence, sociative, unto, free, sophokles, festus, adjuncts, denoting, fairbanks, macfe, imperishable, modality, objective, sk-suffix, offore, xxxvii, deontic, i886, reconsidered, underfore, adjective
The Evolution of Slavic Society and the Slavic Invasions in Greece. The First Major Slavic Attack on Thessaloniki, A. D. 597. Speros Vryonis Jr.. Hesperia. (Oct. - Dec., 1981), pp. 378-390
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Mid-Third-Century Athenian Archons. Benjamin D. Meritt. Hesperia. (Jan. - Mar., 1981), pp. 78-99
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The Apparatus Criticus to the Supplices in Page's Aeschylus Oct. Marsh McCall. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1981), pp. 111-134
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The Victor's Virtues: Pindar, Isth. 1.32 ff.. Leonard Woodbury. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1981), pp. 237-256
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Some Puns in Aristotle. Kenneth Quandt. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1981), pp. 179-196
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Lysander and Dionysius (Plut. Lys. 2). David Sansone. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1981), pp. 202-206
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