hippolytus, phaedra, sexual, laughter, nurse, phallus, aphrodite, theseus, priapus, euripides, barrett, aidos, mime, laugh, obscene, adams, henderson, phallic, herodas, penis, joke, vocatives, play, smile, humor, artemis, address, erotic, male, interjection, hetaera, hippolytos, canace, vocative, smiles, anus, machon, phaidra, priapic, comic, hetaeras, mimes, metro, cunningham, jokes, abuse, sexuality, cerdon, baubons, intercourse
Plato Comicvs: Frag. Phaon II.: A Parody of Attic Ritual [Plato Comicus: Frag. Phaon II.: A Parody of Attic Ritual]. Lewis R. Farnell. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1920), pp. 139-146
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The Lover's Blindness. M. B. Ogle. American Journal of Philology. (1920), pp. 240-252
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The Trial of Saint Eugenia. Campbell Bonner. American Journal of Philology. (1920), pp. 253-264
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The Two Recensions of the Clouds. George Melville Bolling. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1920), pp. 83-85
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