hippolytus, phaedra, sexual, laughter, nurse, phallus, aphrodite, theseus, priapus, euripides, barrett, aidos, mime, laugh, obscene, adams, henderson, phallic, herodas, penis, joke, vocatives, play, smile, humor, artemis, address, erotic, male, interjection, hetaera, hippolytos, canace, vocative, smiles, anus, machon, phaidra, priapic, comic, hetaeras, mimes, metro, cunningham, jokes, abuse, sexuality, cerdon, baubons, intercourse
The Sexual Episodes in the Satyricon. Christopher Gill. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1973), pp. 172-185
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Hippolytus' "Elenchos" as a Source for Empedocles Re-Examined. II. Jackson P. Hershbell. Phronesis. (1973), pp. 187-203
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The Poetry of Philodemus the Epicurean. Jane McIntosh Snyder. Classical Journal. (Apr. - May, 1973), pp. 346-353
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A Note on Aristophanes Acharnians 834-35. Jeffrey Henderson. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1973), pp. 289-290
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Titvs Maccivs Plavtvs [Titus Maccius Plautus]. A. S. Gratwick. Classical Quarterly. (May, 1973), pp. 78-84
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Hippolytus' "Elenchos" as a Source for Empedocles Re-Examined, I. Jackson P. Hershbell. Phronesis. (1973), pp. 97-114
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Aspects of Religion in Classical Greece. W. Den Boer. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1973), pp. 1-21
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Sappho Fr. 111. J. F. Killeen. Classical Quarterly. (Nov., 1973), pp. 198
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The Yoke of Attis. Justin Glenn. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1973), pp. 59-61
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Ovid and the Lupercalia. A. W. J. Holleman. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (2nd Qtr., 1973), pp. 260-268
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Parody and Personalities in Catullus. C. W. MacLeod. Classical Quarterly. (Nov., 1973), pp. 294-303
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Plautus Miles Gloriosus 211. J. F. Killeen. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1973), pp. 53-54
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Ira Priapi. Barry Baldwin. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1973), pp. 294-296
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Ausonius and Juvenal. Robert E. Colton. Classical Journal. (Oct. - Nov., 1973), pp. 41-51
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Sick-Visiting in Roman Elegy. J. C. Yardley. The Phoenix. (Autumn, 1973), pp. 283-288
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Anaxagoras' Theory of Sex Differentiation and Heredity. Owen Kember. Phronesis. (1973), pp. 1-14
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The Literary Substrata to Juvenal's Satires. G. B. Townend. Journal of Roman Studies. (1973), pp. 148-160
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Phaethon, Sappho's Phaon, and the White Rock of Leukas. Gregory Nagy. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1973), pp. 137-177
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The Text of Pindar Isthmian 8.70. David C. Young. American Journal of Philology. (Winter, 1973), pp. 319-326
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Some Thoughts on Double-Entendres in Seneca Apocolocyntosis 3 and 4. Apostolos Athanassakis. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1973), pp. 292-294
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A Preliminary Report of the Excavations at Knidos, 1972. Iris Cornelia Love. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct., 1973), pp. 413-424
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Brief Reviews. B. R. Rees, A. C. F. Verity, Oswyn Murray, J. J. Wilkes, Malcolm A. R. Colledge, P. Walcot. Greece & Rome. (Oct., 1973), pp. 197-212
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