line, hesperia, name, archon, lines, inscription, deme, athens, athenian, meritt, agora, decree, secretary, tribe, demotic, names, kirchner, archonship, prytany, archons, demes, phyle, text, tribal, pritchett, suppl, oliver, ferguson, dinsmoor, period, prytaneis, tribes, ephebic, graindor, decrees, father, traill, lists, chronology, priest, patronymic, cycle, leontis, cycles, ephebes, demotics, office, ephebe, prytanis, attic
Age Categories and Chronology in the Hellenistic Theseia. Nigel M. Kennell. The Phoenix. (Autumn - Winter, 1999), pp. 249-262
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Democracy and the Athenian Epigraphical Habit. Charles W. Hedrick Jr.. Hesperia. (Jul. - Sep., 1999), pp. 387-439
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From Country to City: The Persona of Dicaeopolis in Aristophanes' "Acharnians". Gwendolyn Compton-Engle. Classical Journal. (Apr. - May, 1999), pp. 359-373
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The στραταγὸϛ ὲκ πάντων in Rhodian Inscriptions. Sviatoslav Dmitriev. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (2nd Qtr., 1999), pp. 245-253
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Craterus and the Use of Inscriptions in Ancient Scholarship. Carolyn Higbie. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1999), pp. 43-83
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A Curse in a Chytridion: A Contribution to the Study of Athenian Pyres. David R. Jordan, Susan I. Rotroff. Hesperia. (Apr. - Jun., 1999), pp. 147-154
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Plays for Export. Chris Dearden. The Phoenix. (Autumn - Winter, 1999), pp. 222-248
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Callimachus' Tale of Sicyon ("SH" 238). Noel Robertson. The Phoenix. (Spring - Summer, 1999), pp. 57-79
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Hymettiana III: The Boundary Markers of Alepovouni. Merle K. Langdon. Hesperia. (Oct. - Dec., 1999), pp. 481-508
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Reexamining Transvestism in Archaic and Classical Athens: The Zewadski Stamnos. Margaret C. Miller. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr., 1999), pp. 223-253
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Partnership of Citizens and Metics: The Will of Epicurus. M. Leiwo, P. Remes. Classical Quarterly. (1999), pp. 161-166
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Politics on the Margins: The Athenian "Hetaireiai" in 415 B.C.. James F. McGlew. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (1st Qtr., 1999), pp. 1-22
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The 100th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr., 1999), pp. 255-335
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Mithridates, the Banner of Ch'ih-Yu, and the Comet Coin. John T. Ramsey. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1999), pp. 197-253
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Demosthenes and Thebes. J. C. Trevett. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (2nd Qtr., 1999), pp. 184-202
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Agora I 5983: Zeus Exou-... Again. Gerald V. Lalonde. Hesperia. (Apr. - Jun., 1999), pp. 155-159
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Endoios's Painting from the Themistoklean Wall: A Reconstruction. Catherine M. Keesling. Hesperia. (Oct. - Dec., 1999), pp. 509-548
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Mendaian as Chalkidian Wine. John K. Papadopoulos, Stavros A. Paspalas. Hesperia. (Apr. - Jun., 1999), pp. 161-188
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"This Is We Calypso": An Ithacan and Antillean Topos in Derek Walcott's "Omeros". Timothy Hofmeister. The Classical World. (Sep. - Oct., 1999), pp. 51-70
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"Adyton," "Opisthodomos," and the Inner Room of the Greek Temple. Mary B. Hollinshead. Hesperia. (Apr. - Jun., 1999), pp. 189-218
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Salmacis and Hermaphroditus: When Two Become One: (Ovid, Met. 4.285-388). M. Robinson. Classical Quarterly. (1999), pp. 212-223
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The Horoscope of Proclus. Alexander Jones. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1999), pp. 81-88
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Homeric Hymn to Hermes 296: τλήμονα γαστρὸς ἔριθον. Joshua T. Katz. Classical Quarterly. (1999), pp. 315-319
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