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Roman Inscriptions 1995-2000. Richard Gordon, Joyce Reynolds. Journal of Roman Studies. (2003), pp. 212-294
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The Ethnic Origins of the Friends of the Antigonid Kings of Macedon. James L. O'Neil. Classical Quarterly. (Nov., 2003), pp. 510-522
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Dedicated to Greek: Using Inscriptions in Elementary Greek. Timothy F. Winters. Classical Journal. (Feb. - Mar., 2003), pp. 289-294
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Personal Enmity as a Motivation in Forensic Speeches. Asako Kurihara. Classical Quarterly. (Nov., 2003), pp. 464-477
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Choral Identity in Greek Tragedy. Helene Foley. Classical Philology. (Jan., 2003), pp. 1-30
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Pseudo-Dionysius Art of Rhetoric 8-11: Figured Speech, Declamation, and Criticism. Malcolm Heath. American Journal of Philology. (Spring, 2003), pp. 81-105
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Λαμπροὺϛ Δυνάσταϛ: Aeschylus, Astronomy and the Agamemnon. James M. Pfundstein. Classical Journal. (Apr. - May, 2003), pp. 397-410
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Porphyry's Rhetoric. Malcolm Heath. Classical Quarterly. (May, 2003), pp. 141-166
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Unruhen, Aufstände und Abfallbewegungen der Bevölkerung in Phönikien, Syrien und Kilikien unter den Seleukiden. Kay Ehling. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (2003), pp. 300-336
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Milziade e i tirannicidi. Alessandra Coppola. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (2003), pp. 283-299
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Teaching and Learning in Classical Athens. T. E. Rihll. Greece & Rome. (Oct., 2003), pp. 168-190
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The Meaning of οί άργυρολογέοντεν and the Beginning of the Third Sacred War. Nicholas G. L. Hammond. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (2003), pp. 373-377
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Satire in Green: Marked Clothing and the Technique of Indignatio at Juvenal 5.141-45. Marianne Hopman. American Journal of Philology. (Winter, 2003), pp. 557-574
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Euripides and Macedon, or the Silence of the "Frogs". Scott Scullion. Classical Quarterly. (Nov., 2003), pp. 389-400
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