iste, forem, essem, personal, force, bach, protasis, ille, ganuma, sache, apodosis, deictic, derogatory, future, traditionalists, pres, pronouns, minatory, problema, deiktikon, dramatists, isti, keller, mildred, ruth, istum, lxxvii, conj, interlocutor, subj, nema, plur, praeparativus, epistolary, sing, ista, contempt, lodeman, non-personal, outlook, prohibitive, foret, gasucht, pronomen, forent, norm, protaseis, goodrich, iteration, lowrance
Dravidian Researches. Edwin H. Tuttle. American Journal of Philology. (1929), pp. 138-155
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Three Notes on Pindar. W. A. Stone. Classical Review. (Sep., 1929), pp. 115-116
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Note on Sophocles' Antigone 925, 926. Eric C. Woodcock. Classical Review. (Sep., 1929), pp. 116-117
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Miscellanea III. T. W. Allen. Classical Quarterly. (Jan., 1929), pp. 28-30
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Aristotle, Rhetoric 3. 16. 1417 b 16-20. Lane Cooper. American Journal of Philology. (1929), pp. 170-180
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Sophoclea III. A. C. Pearson. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1929), pp. 164-176
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Oriental Senators in the Service of Rome: A Study of Imperial Policy down to the Death of Marcus Aurelius. C. S. Walton. Journal of Roman Studies. (1929), pp. 38-66
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The Text of the Nicomachean Ethics. H. Rackham. Classical Quarterly. (Jan., 1929), pp. 37-38
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ΑΠΑΞ, ΟΥΔ̓ ΑΠΑΞ, and Other Notes on Words. Edgar Lobel. Classical Quarterly. (Apr., 1929), pp. 118-119
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