iste, forem, essem, personal, force, bach, protasis, ille, ganuma, sache, apodosis, deictic, derogatory, future, traditionalists, pres, pronouns, minatory, problema, deiktikon, dramatists, isti, keller, mildred, ruth, istum, lxxvii, conj, interlocutor, subj, nema, plur, praeparativus, epistolary, sing, ista, contempt, lodeman, non-personal, outlook, prohibitive, foret, gasucht, pronomen, forent, norm, protaseis, goodrich, iteration, lowrance
The Past Optative. A. C. Moorhouse. Classical Review. (Sep., 1948), pp. 61
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A Metellus in Two Passages of Dio. J. A. Crook. Classical Review. (Sep., 1948), pp. 59-61
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Plato's Philosophic Dog (Republic ii. 375 a-376 c). T. A. Sinclair. Classical Review. (Sep., 1948), pp. 61-62
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ΩΣΠΕΡ ΟΜΗΡΟΣ ΦΗΣΙ. Joshua Whatmough. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan. - Mar., 1948), pp. 45-50
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A Bacchic Graffito from the Dolicheneum at Dura. Howard N. Porter. American Journal of Philology. (1948), pp. 27-41
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Hymn to Hermes. J. D. Beazley. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Sep., 1948), pp. 336-340
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Euripides' Telephus and the Thesmophoriazusae of Aristophanes. Harold W. Miller. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1948), pp. 174-183
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The Temple Estates of Delos, Rheneia, and Mykonos. John Harvey Kent. Hesperia. (Oct. - Dec., 1948), pp. 243-338
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On the Nominal Endings -ις, -ιν, in Later Greek. Demetrius John Georgacas. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1948), pp. 243-260
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Aristotle's Teleology and Uexküll's Theory of Living Nature. Helene Weiss. Classical Quarterly. (Jan. - Apr., 1948), pp. 44-58
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Toward Improvement of the High-School Latin Curriculum II: Report of a Symposium Held at Milwaukee, April 2, 1948. B. L. Ullman, Warren C. Seyfert, Stephen M. Corey, Gerald F. Else, George H. Lucas, Ethel L. Chubb, Donald G. Baker, Robert C. Stone, Clyde Murley, Carolyn Bock, Graydon W. Regenos, Lenore Geweke, Harold B. Dunkel, Lenore Geweke. Classical Journal. (Nov., 1948), pp. 97-143
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