i967, i962, i965, i960, i966, i964, i96i, i963, i968, i957, i955, i969, i959, i954, i958, i953, i956, i950, i949, i939, i952, i95i, i933, i934, i935, i948, i937, i970, i947, i938, i940, i936, i926, i930, i97i, i932, i972, i973, i942, i929, i974, i927, i945, i946, i94i, i943, i928, i944, i975, i93i
Further Notes. H. Richards, W. Wyse, E. S. Thompson, E. Poste. Classical Review. (Jul., 1891), pp. 334-337
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Virgil, Aeneid vi. 567, iii. 702. Arthur Platt. Classical Review. (Jul., 1891), pp. 337
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Hor. C. II. xi. 21. P. Sandford. Classical Review. (Jul., 1891), pp. 337
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Horace, Ep. 1. vii. 29. H. A. Strong. Classical Review. (Jul., 1891), pp. 337-338
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Pindar, Nem. ix. 22, 23. A. C. Pearson. Classical Review. (Jul., 1891), pp. 337
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Quaestiones Petronianae. H. W. Haley. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1891), pp. 1-40
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Analogy in the Semitic Languages. Part III. Abel H. Huizinga. American Journal of Philology. (1891), pp. 133-156
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Goethe's 'Elpenor'. Henry Wood. American Journal of Philology. (1891), pp. 458-480
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The Greek Stage According to the Extant Dramas. Edward Capps. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1870). (1891), pp. 5-78
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Appendix: Proceedings of Twenty-Third Annual Session, Princeton, N. J., 1891. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1870). (1891), pp. 109+i-lxxiv
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Contributions to the Interpretation of the Veda: Fourth Series. Maurice Bloomfield. American Journal of Philology. (1891), pp. 414-443
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