i967, i962, i965, i960, i966, i964, i96i, i963, i968, i957, i955, i969, i959, i954, i958, i953, i956, i950, i949, i939, i952, i95i, i933, i934, i935, i948, i937, i970, i947, i938, i940, i936, i926, i930, i97i, i932, i972, i973, i942, i929, i974, i927, i945, i946, i94i, i943, i928, i944, i975, i93i
The World of the Panhellenion. I. Athens and Eleusis. A. J. Spawforth, Susan Walker. Journal of Roman Studies. (1985), pp. 78-104
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Charity and Power: Caesarius of Arles and the Ransoming of Captives in Sub-Roman Gaul. William Klingshirn. Journal of Roman Studies. (1985), pp. 183-203
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From Mountain to Lovers' Tryst: Horace's Soracte Ode. D. W. T. Vessey. Journal of Roman Studies. (1985), pp. 26-38
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The Present State of the Corpus Signorum Imperii Romani. R. M. Harrison. Journal of Roman Studies. (1985), pp. 207-208
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Polyonomy in the Late Roman Aristocracy: The Case of Petronius Probus. Alan Cameron. Journal of Roman Studies. (1985), pp. 164-182
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Munificence and Municipia: Bequests to Towns in Classical Roman Law. David Johnston. Journal of Roman Studies. (1985), pp. 105-125
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Wine and Wealth in Ancient Italy. N. Purcell. Journal of Roman Studies. (1985), pp. 1-19
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Constantine and the Christians of Persia. T. D. Barnes. Journal of Roman Studies. (1985), pp. 126-136
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Landholding in the Hermopolite Nome in the Fourth Century A.D.. Alan K. Bowman. Journal of Roman Studies. (1985), pp. 137-163
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Aeneas and Mount Atlas. J. H. W. Morwood. Journal of Roman Studies. (1985), pp. 51-59
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Symposium and Genre in the Poetry of Horace. Oswyn Murray. Journal of Roman Studies. (1985), pp. 39-50
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The Background to the Grain Law of Gaius Gracchus. Peter Garnsey, Dominic Rathbone. Journal of Roman Studies. (1985), pp. 20-25
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The Master of the Dragon Standards and the Golden Torc: An Inscription from Prusias and Prudentius' Peristephanon. M. P. Speidel. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1985), pp. 283-287
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The Location of Nasos and Its Place in History. William M. Murray. Hesperia. (Jan. - Mar., 1985), pp. 97-108
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Sources of Tin and the Beginnings of Bronze Metallurgy. James D. Muhly. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr., 1985), pp. 275-291
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The Inscribed Gold Tablet from the Vigna Codini. D. R. Jordan. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan., 1985), pp. 162-167
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Epigraphic Consciousness. J. C. Mann. Journal of Roman Studies. (1985), pp. 204-206
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An Early Byzantine Complex at Akra Sophia Near Corinth. Timothy E. Gregory. Hesperia. (Oct. - Dec., 1985), pp. 411-428
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Crete and Italy in the Late Bronze Age III Period. Birgitta PĂ„lsson Hallager. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr., 1985), pp. 293-305
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