claudian, stilicho, honorius, rufinus, theodosius, cons, stilico, arcadius, birt, gildo, eutropius, poet, vollm, alaric, puncto, levy, consulatu, pluto, raptu, arev, prudentius, rufinum, spengel, temporis, panegyricus, goths, claudien, cameron, dracontius, eutr, proserpina, proserpinae, claud, lucanian, symm, honorii, consulship, romul, epithalamium, fargues, panegyric, stil, drac, gild, venus, horae, regency, prob, romulea, vident
Die Darstellung der Hunnen bei Ammianus Marcellinus (31,2,1-11). Will Richter. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (3rd Qtr., 1974), pp. 343-377
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Horace C. 1.34: Poetic Change and Political Equivocation. N. K. Zumwalt. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1974), pp. 435-467
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Meaning, Using, Translating, and Editing. A. W. H. Adkins. Greece & Rome. (Apr., 1974), pp. 37-50
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Subsistence Farming in Italy during the Roman Period: A Preliminary Discussion of the Evidence. Joan M. Frayn. Greece & Rome. (Apr., 1974), pp. 11-18
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