diagoras, dictys, umbrian, cake, derveni, kred, dares, athenaios, liknon, atheism, cakes, fireplace, melos, oscan, commentator, credner, tables, iguvium, fertum, likna, resch, winiarczyk, celt, erus, ficla, pomperias, conway, strues, disks, mefa, strusla, hesychios, ii-iii2, limos, single-knobbed, urfeta, maza, poultney, sokolowski, cretensis, strue, melios, nicodorus, atiedii, edina, kronos, melanthius, perca, plakous, rusten
The New Revision of King James' Revision of the New Testament. III. Charles Short. American Journal of Philology. (1883), pp. 253-282
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Grandio, Gradio; Grandivus, Gradivus. Minton Warren. American Journal of Philology. (1883), pp. 71-75
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The Noctes Atticae of Aulus Gellius. Henry Nettleship. American Journal of Philology. (1883), pp. 391-415
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On the Final Sentence in Greek. B. L. Gildersleeve. American Journal of Philology. (1883), pp. 416-444
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