diagoras, dictys, umbrian, cake, derveni, kred, dares, athenaios, liknon, atheism, cakes, fireplace, melos, oscan, commentator, credner, tables, iguvium, fertum, likna, resch, winiarczyk, celt, erus, ficla, pomperias, conway, strues, disks, mefa, strusla, hesychios, ii-iii2, limos, single-knobbed, urfeta, maza, poultney, sokolowski, cretensis, strue, melios, nicodorus, atiedii, edina, kronos, melanthius, perca, plakous, rusten
The Thirty-First Character Sketch. William W. Fortenbaugh. The Classical World. (Feb., 1978), pp. 333-339
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A Samnite Craftsman. R. G. Lewis. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (1st Qtr., 1978), pp. 235-239
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On First Reading Pindar: 'The Fifth Isthmian'. M. M. Willcock. Greece & Rome. (Apr., 1978), pp. 37-45
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Doublets in the Odyssey. K. O'Nolan. Classical Quarterly. (1978), pp. 23-37
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Notes on Aristophanes' Acharnians. Alan H. Sommerstein. Classical Quarterly. (1978), pp. 383-395
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Greek Inscriptions from the Athenian Agora: Addenda to the Athenian Agora, Vol. XV, Inscriptions: The Athenian Councillors. John S. Traill. Hesperia. (Jul. - Sep., 1978), pp. 269-331
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Aeschylus' "Dictyulci" and Diphilus' "Epitrope". Dana Ferrin Sutton. Classical Journal. (Oct. - Nov., 1978), pp. 22-25
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