corr, erit, sscr, erasure, marg, fort, facto, spscr, quei, mommsen, comp, eius, erunt, eorum, municipi, esto, lege, accentu, ante, scripto, sine, ubrica, superscr, decuriones, salvtem, handfrom, grecus, grqpc, aduersus, neue, vide, trib, giyp, municipio, eras, quis, usti, decurionum, supp, akme, facito, municipum, eratoris, qipc, voluit, irnitani, caesaris, flaui, quoius, conscriptorumue
The Subjunctive in Restrictive Qui and Quod Clauses. Jefferson Elmore. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1917), pp. 253-258
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The Influence of the Imperative on Latin Idiom. Frank Granger. Classical Review. (Mar., 1917), pp. 47-51
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The Professiones of the Heraclean Table. E. G. Hardy. Classical Quarterly. (Jan., 1917), pp. 27-37
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On a Venetian Codex of Pliny's Letters. Elmer Truesdell Merrill. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1917), pp. 259-270
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Consular Provinces between 67 and 52 B. C. E. G. Hardy. Classical Review. (Feb., 1917), pp. 11-15
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Demosthenes' Avoidance of Breves. Charles D. Adams. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1917), pp. 271-294
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Some Cruces in Vedic Text, Grammar, and Interpretation. Maurice Bloomfield. American Journal of Philology. (1917), pp. 1-18
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