Thematic Index of Classics in JStor
corr, erit, sscr, erasure, marg, fort, facto, spscr, quei, mommsen, comp, eius, erunt, eorum, municipi, esto, lege, accentu, ante, scripto, sine, ubrica, superscr, decuriones, salvtem, handfrom, grecus, grqpc, aduersus, neue, vide, trib, giyp, municipio, eras, quis, usti, decurionum, supp, akme, facito, municipum, eratoris, qipc, voluit, irnitani, caesaris, flaui, quoius, conscriptorumue


Livy's Alexander Digression (9.17-19): Counterfactuals and Apologetics. Ruth Morello. Journal of Roman Studies. (2002), pp. 62-85 List themes Full text (10 theme words)
Notes on the "Metamorphoses" of Apuleius. Juan J. Martos. Classical Philology. (Oct., 2002), pp. 360-365 List themes Full text (8 theme words)