aeneas, vergil, aeneid, virgil, dido, turnus, troy, anchises, trojans, juno, epic, venus, poem, jupiter, trojan, italy, hero, servius, latinus, carthage, poet, episode, mezentius, words, future, simile, books, story, ascanius, lines, passage, pietas, gods, scene, city, reader, anna, camilla, evander, vergilian, sibyl, fate, sinon, virgilian, prophecy, palinurus, destiny, laocoon, williams, shield
Some Aspects of the Structure of Aeneid VII. Eduard Fraenkel. Journal of Roman Studies. (1945), pp. 1-14
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Vergil and War in the "Aeneid". George E. Duckworth. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1945), pp. 104-107
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We Want a Virgilian Peace. Berthold L. Ullman. Classical Journal. (Oct., 1945), pp. 1-3
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Noises off: Some Sound-Effects in Virgil. S. Whately. Greece & Rome. (Jan., 1945), pp. 17-28
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The Golden Bough of Plato. Agnes Kirsopp Michels. American Journal of Philology. (1945), pp. 59-63
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Mistaken Identity in War. Herbert Newell Couch. Classical Journal. (Oct., 1945), pp. 19-20
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A Note on Propertius 2.3.22f.. S. Johnson. Classical Journal. (Oct., 1945), pp. 20-23
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Poets and Philosophers. O. J. Todd. Classical Journal. (Nov., 1945), pp. 49-71
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A School Virgil Society. Stella R. Pope. Greece & Rome. (Jun., 1945), pp. 87-89
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Proceedings: American Philological Association Seventy-Seventh Annual Meeting and Philological Association of the Pacific Coast. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1945), pp. i-xc
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Piety in the Character of Aeneas. John N. Hritzu. The Classical Weekly. (Apr. 23, 1945), pp. 171-172
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Classical Mythology in the Systema Naturae of Linnaeus. John L. Heller. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1945), pp. 333-357
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Women in Roman Life and Letters. F. E. Adcock. Greece & Rome. (Jan., 1945), pp. 1-11
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Notes on Vergil's Bucolics. E. L. Highbarger. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1945), pp. 43-45
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Vergilian Echoes in Priscian. Clarence A. Forbes. The Classical Weekly. (Apr. 23, 1945), pp. 172
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St. Augustine's Use of the Classics. John J. Gavigan. The Classical Weekly. (Nov. 26, 1945), pp. 50-53
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ΠΟΛΥΠΗΝΟΣ. J. A. Stewart. Classical Review. (May, 1945), pp. 11
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Juvenal, iii. 297-9. R. L. Dunbabin. Classical Review. (May, 1945), pp. 11-12
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St. Augustine on Semantics and Certain Problems of Teaching. L. R. Lind. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 22, 1945), pp. 26-29
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Virgil, Aeneid, iv. 247: 'Atlantis Duri'. Robert W. Cruttwell. Classical Review. (May, 1945), pp. 11
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The Meaning of the Pharsalia. Berthe M. Marti. American Journal of Philology. (1945), pp. 352-376
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The Locrian Maidens and the Date of Lycophron's Alexandra. Arnoldo Momigliano. Classical Quarterly. (Jan. - Apr., 1945), pp. 49-53
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Remotum a Notitia Vulgari. Susan Savage. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1945), pp. 157-165
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