aeneas, vergil, aeneid, virgil, dido, turnus, troy, anchises, trojans, juno, epic, venus, poem, jupiter, trojan, italy, hero, servius, latinus, carthage, poet, episode, mezentius, words, future, simile, books, story, ascanius, lines, passage, pietas, gods, scene, city, reader, anna, camilla, evander, vergilian, sibyl, fate, sinon, virgilian, prophecy, palinurus, destiny, laocoon, williams, shield
The Imagery of the "Aeneid". William R. Nethercut. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1971 - Jan., 1972), pp. 123-143
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A Homeric Episode in Vergil's Aeneid. Helga Nehrkorn. American Journal of Philology. (Oct., 1971), pp. 566-584
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Mezentius and Polyphemus. Justin Glenn. American Journal of Philology. (Apr., 1971), pp. 129-155
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Aeneia Virtus: Vegio's Supplementum to the "Aeneid". B. L. Hijmans, Jr.. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1971 - Jan., 1972), pp. 144-155
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Virgil's Influence on Tacitus in Book 3 of the Histories. Robert T. S. Baxter. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1971), pp. 93-107
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The Opening of "Aeneid" 6. Harry C. Rutledge. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1971 - Jan., 1972), pp. 110-115
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Sunt Lacrimae Rerum. Douglas J. Stewart. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1971 - Jan., 1972), pp. 116-122
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Some Recollections of Virgil's Drances in Later Epic. Richard T. Bruère. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1971), pp. 30-34
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Nemora inter Cresia. Gloria S. Duclos. Classical Journal. (Feb. - Mar., 1971), pp. 193-195
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Vergil's Leaf- and Bird-Similes of Ghosts. George Thaniel. The Phoenix. (Autumn, 1971), pp. 237-245
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The Trojan Horse in Classical Art. B. A. Sparkes. Greece & Rome. (Apr., 1971), pp. 54-70
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Vergil's Poetic Use of the Cumae Area. Raymond V. Schoder. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1971 - Jan., 1972), pp. 97-109
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Structure and Intention in the Metamorphoses. Robert Coleman. Classical Quarterly. (Nov., 1971), pp. 461-477
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Humanism and Classical Literature: Modern Problems and Perspectives. Charles Segal. Classical Journal. (Oct. - Nov., 1971), pp. 29-37
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Servius in His Classroom. Harry L. Levy. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1971 - Jan., 1972), pp. 167-174
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Five "Religious" Odes of Horace. (I, 10; I, 21 and IV, 6; I, 30; I, 15). Francis Cairns. American Journal of Philology. (Jul., 1971), pp. 433-452
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Menoeceus in the Thebaid of Statius. D. W. T. C. Vessey. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1971), pp. 236-243
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Noxia Tela: Some Innovations in Statius Thebaid 7 and 11. D. W. T. C. Vessey. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1971), pp. 87-92
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"ETA(I)PIZΩ", in Homer, as Testimony for the Establishment of an "Hetairos" Relation. G. J. Stagakis. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (4th Qtr., 1971), pp. 524-533
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Omnia vincit amor: Incongruity and the Limitations of Structure in Ovid's Elegiac Poetry. John M. Fyler. Classical Journal. (Feb. - Mar., 1971), pp. 196-203
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Propertius 3.11. William R. Nethercut. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1971), pp. 411-443
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Heracles' Intention in His Second Request of Hyllus: Trach. 1216-51. J. Kenneth MacKinnon. Classical Quarterly. (May, 1971), pp. 33-41
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Ennius' Induta Fuit Saeva Stola. W. de Grummond. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1971), pp. 249-252
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Lucan's De Incendio Urbis, Epistulae ex Campania and Nero's Ban. Frederick M. Ahl. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1971), pp. 1-27
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Et terris iactatus et alto: The Art of Seneca's Epistle LIII. Anna Lydia Motto, John R. Clark. American Journal of Philology. (Apr., 1971), pp. 217-225
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A Roman Representation of the ΚΕΡΑΜΟΣ ΤΡΩΙΚΟΣ. Michael Crawford. Journal of Roman Studies. (1971), pp. 153-154
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Two Fauns and a Naiad? (Virgil, Ecl. 6, 13-26). Charles Segal. American Journal of Philology. (Jan., 1971), pp. 56-61
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Thoughts on Tacitus' Portrayal of Claudius. D. W. T. C. Vessey. American Journal of Philology. (Jul., 1971), pp. 385-409
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The ΣΦΠΑΓΙΣ of the Monobiblos. William R. Nethercut. American Journal of Philology. (Jul., 1971), pp. 464-472
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Irony in Plautus' Amphitruo. Walter E. Forehand. American Journal of Philology. (Oct., 1971), pp. 633-651
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Sanskrit. John F. Gummere. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1971 - Jan., 1972), pp. 178
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A Note on Aeneid 1.495-504 and 4.141-150. Betty Kiefer. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1971 - Jan., 1972), pp. 178
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Petronius as Paradox: Anarchy and Artistic Integrity. Froma I. Zeitlin. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1971), pp. 631-684
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Form and Transformation in Vergil's Catalepton. Gregory I. Carlson, Ernst A. Schmidt. American Journal of Philology. (Apr., 1971), pp. 252-265
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Homer's Agamemnon. Walter Donlan. The Classical World. (Dec., 1971), pp. 109-115
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De Rerum Notis. J. D. Sadler. Classical Journal. (Apr. - May, 1971), pp. 351-355
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Catullus 35. J. M. Fisher. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1971), pp. 1-5
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The Rustle of Spring in Horace (Carm., I, 23). Robert J. Baker. American Journal of Philology. (Jan., 1971), pp. 71-75
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Rhetoric and Morality in Juvenal's 8th Satire. S. C. Fredericks. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1971), pp. 111-132
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Sir Winston Churchill, "Aeneid" 7 and the Vocative Case. Herbert H. Huxley. Classical Journal. (Oct. - Nov., 1971), pp. 68-69
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The Scholarship on Apuleius since 1938. Carl C. Schlam. The Classical World. (May, 1971), pp. 285-309
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Lucan and the French Revolution: The Bellum Civile as a Political Mirror. Robert A. Tucker. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1971), pp. 6-16
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Apollonius' Heracles. Donald Norman Levin. Classical Journal. (Oct. - Nov., 1971), pp. 22-28
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Seneca's 'Hercules Oetaeus': A Stoic Interpretation of the Greek Myth. Christine M. King. Greece & Rome. (Oct., 1971), pp. 215-222
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Aemulos Reges: Allusion and Theme in Horace 3.16. R. Joseph Schork. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1971), pp. 515-539
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A Note on Thucydides 2:40.1. Raymond H. Larson. Classical Journal. (Oct. - Nov., 1971), pp. 67-68
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The Naming of Pygmalion's Animated Statue. Meyer Reinhold. Classical Journal. (Apr. - May, 1971), pp. 316-319
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Ring-Composition in Classical Literature and Contemporary Music. David H. Porter. The Classical World. (Sep., 1971), pp. 1-6+8
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Design and Structure in Livy: 5.32-55. T. J. Luce. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1971), pp. 265-302
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Narrative Art in the "Metamorphoses". Charles Segal. Classical Journal. (Apr. - May, 1971), pp. 331-337
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Emendations and Interpretations in the Greek Anthology. E. K. Borthwick. Classical Quarterly. (Nov., 1971), pp. 426-436
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Aes Triplex (Horace, Odes 1. 3. 9). Michael C. J. Putnam. Classical Quarterly. (Nov., 1971), pp. 454
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Δεινόν vs. ἐλεεινόν: Heinze Revisited. Theodore F. Brunner. American Journal of Philology. (Apr., 1971), pp. 275-284
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Ovid's Epistle from Sappho to Phaon (Heroides 15). Albert R. Baca. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1971), pp. 29-38
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A Theophany in Theocritus. Frederick Williams. Classical Quarterly. (May, 1971), pp. 137-145
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