catullus, poem, poems, martial, poet, lesbia, poetry, line, lines, catullan, ariadne, love, calvus, quinn, attis, epigrams, epigram, ellis, fordyce, kroll, theseus, otium, furius, laodamia, puella, allius, passer, nepos, caecilius, cinna, wiseman, verse, gellius, verses, catulle, libellus, mynors, poets, catullo, fabullus, lover, latin, literary, sparrow, stanza, neoteric, catull, manlius, aurelius, mamurra
Catullus and Ovid. James Hutton. The Classical Weekly. (Apr. 12, 1943), pp. 243-245
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Homer, Catullus and Poe. E. A. Havelock. The Classical Weekly. (Apr. 12, 1943), pp. 248-249
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Mediaeval Echoes of Catullus. John J. H. Savage. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 25, 1943), pp. 40-41
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C. 25.1-5. Karl P. Harrington. The Classical Weekly. (Apr. 12, 1943), pp. 249-250
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Adaptative Translations of the Classics. William Hardy Alexander. Classical Journal. (Mar., 1943), pp. 337-346
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A Fragment of Parthenios' Arete. R. Pfeiffer. Classical Quarterly. (Jan. - Apr., 1943), pp. 23-32
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C. 12.6-8. George Dwight Kellogg. The Classical Weekly. (Apr. 12, 1943), pp. 247
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Latin Verse Composition and the Nasonian Code. E. Harrison. Classical Review. (Dec., 1943), pp. 97-101
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Some Cucurbitaceae in Latin Literature. F. A. Todd. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1943), pp. 101-111
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Life, Logic, and Language. Clyde Murley. Classical Journal. (Feb., 1943), pp. 280-288
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Virgil and the Homeric Epithet. L. J. D. Richardson. Greece & Rome. (Jan., 1943), pp. 1-14
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Catullus in Greek Dress. The Classical Weekly. (Apr. 12, 1943), pp. 246
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Catullus and Capito. Alice F. Braunlich. The Classical Weekly. (Apr. 12, 1943), pp. 249
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Suggestions from a Scrap-Heap. S. W. Edge. Greece & Rome. (Jun., 1943), pp. 72-77
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Precious Stones and Mediaeval Symbolism. John J. Gavigan. The Classical Weekly. (Nov. 1, 1943), pp. 55-56
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On "Patavinity". L. A. MacKay. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1943), pp. 44-45
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Proceedings: American Philological Association Seventy-Fifth Annual Meeting and Philological Association of the Pacific Coast. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1943), pp. i-lxviii
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Voice of Non-Finite Verb Forms in Latin and English. E. Adelaide Hahn. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1943), pp. 269-306
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C. 45.8-9, 17-8 (Acme and Septimius). The Classical Weekly. (Apr. 12, 1943), pp. 246-247
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