catullus, poem, poems, martial, poet, lesbia, poetry, line, lines, catullan, ariadne, love, calvus, quinn, attis, epigrams, epigram, ellis, fordyce, kroll, theseus, otium, furius, laodamia, puella, allius, passer, nepos, caecilius, cinna, wiseman, verse, gellius, verses, catulle, libellus, mynors, poets, catullo, fabullus, lover, latin, literary, sparrow, stanza, neoteric, catull, manlius, aurelius, mamurra
Observations on Catullus 5. Ernest A. Fredricksmeyer. American Journal of Philology. (Oct., 1970), pp. 431-445
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Catullan 'Otiosi': The Lover and the Poet. Charles Segal. Greece & Rome. (Apr., 1970), pp. 25-31
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Martial: Knight, Publisher, and Poet. Walter Allen, Jr., Martha J. Beveridge, William J. Downes, Hugh M. Fincher III, Barbara Kirk Gold, E. Christian Kopff, Lawrence J. Simms, Lois H. Walsh. Classical Journal. (May, 1970), pp. 345-357
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Catullus and Callimachus. Wendell Clausen. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1970), pp. 85-94
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Disertissime Romuli Nepotum. Eric Laughton. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1970), pp. 1-7
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Catullus 72.3-4. D. P. Harmon. Classical Journal. (Apr., 1970), pp. 321-322
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The Marriage Theme in Catullus 63. Phyllis Young Forsyth. Classical Journal. (Oct. - Nov., 1970), pp. 66+68-69
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A Note on Catullus' Hendecasyllabics. John Ferguson. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1970), pp. 173-175
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The Hapless Helmsman. Barry Baldwin. Classical Journal. (Apr., 1970), pp. 322-323
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A Note on Catullus 64.346. H. L. Tracy. Classical Journal. (Oct. - Nov., 1970), pp. 64-66
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That Incomparable Poem the 'Ille ego'?. E. J. Kenney. Classical Review. (Dec., 1970), pp. 290
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Menander, Samia 13. M. D. Macleod. Classical Review. (Dec., 1970), pp. 289-290
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Fossa in Catullus' Simile of the cut Tree (17. 18-19). Justin Glenn. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1970), pp. 256-257
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Domina in Catullus 68. L. P. Wilkinson. Classical Review. (Dec., 1970), pp. 290
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A Note on Catullus 111. W. de Grummond. The Classical World. (Dec., 1970), pp. 120-121
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ΟΙ ΝΕΩΤΕΡΟΙ, Poetae Novi, and Cantores Euphorionis. N. B. Crowther. Classical Quarterly. (Nov., 1970), pp. 322-327
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Servius and the Helen Episode. G. P. Goold. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1970), pp. 101-168
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Hadrian's Farewell to Life: Some Arguments for Authenticity. Barry Baldwin. Classical Quarterly. (Nov., 1970), pp. 372-374
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"Marked Literary Inferiority" in the Poems of the "Satyricon". Herbert H. Huxley. Classical Journal. (Oct. - Nov., 1970), pp. 69-70
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'Cicero: Catullus'. Ed. C. J. Fordyce. 1961. 35s.. L. A. Moritz. Greece & Rome. (Oct., 1970), pp. 217
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Knemon's 'Hamartia'. Michael Anderson. Greece & Rome. (Oct., 1970), pp. 199-217
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Thoughts on the Epyllion. D. W. T. C. Vessey. Classical Journal. (Oct. - Nov., 1970), pp. 38-43
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Emendations of Seneca. D. R. Shackleton Bailey. Classical Quarterly. (Nov., 1970), pp. 350-363
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Sura and Senecio. C. P. Jones. Journal of Roman Studies. (1970), pp. 98-104
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Brief Reviews. E. R. A. S.. Greece & Rome. (Oct., 1970), pp. 225-238
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Brief Reviews. E. R. A. S.. Greece & Rome. (Apr., 1970), pp. 105-117
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The Nature of Sappho's Seizure in Fr. 31 LP as Evidence of Her Inversion. George Devereux. Classical Quarterly. (May, 1970), pp. 17-31
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Taking Liberties with Horace: Some Practical Considerations on Translation. R. Mathewson. Greece & Rome. (Oct., 1970), pp. 142-165
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Did Julian Combat Venal Suffragium? A Note on CTh 2. 29. 1. Walter Goffart. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1970), pp. 145-151
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Fabricius Veiento. William C. McDermott. American Journal of Philology. (Apr., 1970), pp. 129-148
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The Catalogue of Trees in the "Culex". Anthony A. Barrett. The Classical World. (Mar., 1970), pp. 230-232
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The Sisters of P. Clodius. William C. McDermott. The Phoenix. (Spring, 1970), pp. 39-47
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Horace, Odes 4. 1. A. T. von S. Bradshaw. Classical Quarterly. (May, 1970), pp. 142-153
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Cicero, Livy and Educated Roman Women. Edward E. Best, Jr.. Classical Journal. (Feb., 1970), pp. 199-204
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Notes on Propertius 4. 1 and 4. 4. J. L. Marr. Classical Quarterly. (May, 1970), pp. 160-173
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Cleverness in Virgilian Imitation. E. L. Harrison. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1970), pp. 241-243
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Persiana. W. J Niall Rudd. Classical Review. (Dec., 1970), pp. 282-288
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An "Indo-European Construction" in Arcadian. Jaan Puhvel. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1970), pp. 50-51
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Notes on Cicero, in Pisonem. T. E. V. Pearce. Classical Quarterly. (Nov., 1970), pp. 309-321
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Ovid, Heroides 16.45-46. Diana Gould White. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1970), pp. 187-191
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Virgil, Aeneid 5. 279. T. E. V. Pearce. Classical Quarterly. (May, 1970), pp. 154-159
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