legal, roman_law, ulpian, gaius, slave, digest, edict, property, jurists, praetor, manumission, paul, text, actio, formula, iure, texts, freedmen, tables, watson, slaves, action, justinian, kaser, master, irnitana, testator, rights, heirs, institutes, dediticii, heir, iudex, paterfamilias, wills, contract, chapter, iudicium, jurist, papinian, judge, liability, familia, familias, fira, free, freedman, parties, sponsio, locatio
Two Early Patterns of Manumission. David Daube. Journal of Roman Studies. (1946), pp. 57-75
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The History of Pignoriscapio. H. Hill. American Journal of Philology. (1946), pp. 60-66
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M. Aquilius Felix. James H. Oliver. American Journal of Philology. (1946), pp. 311-319
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Livy ix. 11. 10. H. Hill. Classical Review. (Sep., 1946), pp. 63-64
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Milites Caligati. J. F. Gilliam. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1946), pp. 183-191
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The Text and Interpretation of the Theodosian Code 7, 20, 2. Clyde Pharr. American Journal of Philology. (1946), pp. 16-28
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Note on Gellius, N. A., I, 6. Adolf Berger. American Journal of Philology. (1946), pp. 320-328
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Epigraphical Evidence for Social Charity in the Roman West. C.I.L., I2, 1212; VIII, 7858; IX, 4796. Martin R. P. McGuire. American Journal of Philology. (1946), pp. 129-150
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Aeschylus, Persae, 321. H. J. Rose. Classical Review. (Sep., 1946), pp. 64
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A New Greek Metrical Inscription from Rome. W. Morel. Classical Review. (Sep., 1946), pp. 64
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The Origin of Greek and Roman Artillery. Leigh Alexander. Classical Journal. (Feb., 1946), pp. 208-212
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Virgil, Georg. iii. 116-17. W. H. Semple. Classical Review. (Sep., 1946), pp. 61-63
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An Ancient Instance of Tax Forgiveness. Charles S. Rayment. The Classical Weekly. (Jan. 14, 1946), pp. 96
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Solonian Justice. Gregory Vlastos. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1946), pp. 65-83
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Alexandria ad Aegyptum. H. I. Bell. Journal of Roman Studies. (1946), pp. 130-132
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Seventy-Eighth Annual Meeting, Rochester, N. Y., Dec. 26-28, 1946. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1946), pp. 317-348
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Nihil est quod latine dici non possit. Goodwin B. Beach. The Classical Weekly. (Dec. 2, 1946), pp. 42-45
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The Moral Basis of Hospitium Privatum. Oscar E. Nybakken. Classical Journal. (Mar., 1946), pp. 248-253
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A Problem of Senate Procedure in the Late Roman Empire. Theresa S. Davidson. American Journal of Philology. (1946), pp. 168-183
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Latin and the Professions in England. Herbert C. Lipscomb. Classical Journal. (May, 1946), pp. 358-359
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The Education of Heirs in the Julio-Claudian Family. Enid Rifner Parker. American Journal of Philology. (1946), pp. 29-50
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