legal, roman_law, ulpian, gaius, slave, digest, edict, property, jurists, praetor, manumission, paul, text, actio, formula, iure, texts, freedmen, tables, watson, slaves, action, justinian, kaser, master, irnitana, testator, rights, heirs, institutes, dediticii, heir, iudex, paterfamilias, wills, contract, chapter, iudicium, jurist, papinian, judge, liability, familia, familias, fira, free, freedman, parties, sponsio, locatio
Roman Life Expectancy: Ulpian's Evidence. Bruce Frier. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1982), pp. 213-251
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Bees and Lawyers. Bruce W. Frier. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1982 - Jan., 1983), pp. 105-114
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'Servile Status' in the Sources for Early Greek History. Walter Beringer. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (1st Qtr., 1982), pp. 13-32
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The Legal Issue in Cicero, Pro Balbo. P. A. Brunt. Classical Quarterly. (1982), pp. 136-147
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'Salvation from the Sea': Amphorae and Trade in the Roman West. Jeremy Paterson. Journal of Roman Studies. (1982), pp. 146-157
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The Lex Repetundarum and the Political Ideas of Gaius Gracchus. A. N. Sherwin-White. Journal of Roman Studies. (1982), pp. 18-31
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Tiberius and the Political Testament of Augustus. Josiah Ober. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (3rd Qtr., 1982), pp. 306-328
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From Ausonius' Schooldays? A Schoolbook and Its Relatives. A. C. Dionisotti. Journal of Roman Studies. (1982), pp. 83-125
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Women in the Manumission Inscriptions at Delphi. C. Wayne Tucker. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1982), pp. 225-236
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Nobilitas and Novitas. P. A. Brunt. Journal of Roman Studies. (1982), pp. 1-17
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Roman Attitudes to Greek Love. Ramsay MacMullen. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (4th Qtr., 1982), pp. 484-502
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Domitian and the Jewish Tax. L. A. Thompson. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (3rd Qtr., 1982), pp. 329-342
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On the Athenian Concept of Law. Raphael Sealey. Classical Journal. (Apr. - May, 1982), pp. 289-302
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A Decade of Patristic Scholarship 1970-1979. Volume I. Thomas P. Halton, Robert D. Sider. The Classical World. (Nov. - Dec., 1982), pp. 65-72+75-84+87-98+101-127
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Brief Reviews. M. S. Silk, Ian Du Quesnay, N. R. E. Fisher, D. C. A. Shotter, B. A. Sparkes, P. Walcot. Greece & Rome. (Oct., 1982), pp. 196-215
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PLRE II: Suggested Addenda and Corrigenda. Ralph W. Mathisen. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (3rd Qtr., 1982), pp. 364-386
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Civilis Princeps: Between Citizen and King. Andrew Wallace-Hadrill. Journal of Roman Studies. (1982), pp. 32-48
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Zosimus 6. 10. 2 and the Letters of Honorius. E. A. Thompson. Classical Quarterly. (1982), pp. 445-462
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Papyrology and Roman History: 1956-1980. James G. Keenan. The Classical World. (Sep. - Oct., 1982), pp. 23-31
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Augustus and August: Some Pitfalls of Historical Fiction. A. B. Bosworth. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1982), pp. 151-170
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