women, marriage, children, woman, wife, family, child, slave, mother, husband, slaves, daughter, married, father, male, female, her_husband, parents, his_wife, status, wives, household, young, girl, bride, marry, birth, sons, girls, sexual, free, house, daughters, dowry, herself, husbands, divorce, wedding, marriages, master, adultery, families, boys, her_father, oikos, sister, whom, property, legal, role
Married Life in "C. I. L." IX. Lillian B. Lawler. Classical Journal. (Feb., 1929), pp. 346-353
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Greek and Roman Law in the Trinummus of Plautus. William M. Green. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1929), pp. 183-192
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The Villa Item and a Bride's Ordeal. Jocelyn Toynbee. Journal of Roman Studies. (1929), pp. 67-87
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Both Sister and Wife. Emory B. Lease. The Classical Weekly. (Jan. 14, 1929), pp. 89-90
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Affection for Children among the Romans. Harry E. Wedeck. The Classical Weekly. (May 6, 1929), pp. 193-195
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The Political Activities and the Name of Cratesipolis. Grace H. Macurdy. American Journal of Philology. (1929), pp. 273-278
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The Nature of Taboo and Its Survival in Roman Life. Eli Edward Burriss. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1929), pp. 142-163
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Queen Ptolemais and Apama. W. W. Tarn. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1929), pp. 138-141
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The Childhood of the Gods. Mary A. Grant. Classical Journal. (May, 1929), pp. 585-593
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The Character of Clytemnestra in the Agamemnon of Aeschylus. Florence Mary Bennett Anderson. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1929), pp. 136-154
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Once More Children in Latin Literature. Mary Johnston. The Classical Weekly. (Nov. 11, 1929), pp. 39
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ΛΕΟΝΤΑ Tekein. G. W. Dyson. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1929), pp. 186-195
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Proceedings of the Sixty-First Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association. Also of the Thirty-First Annual Meeting of the Philological Association of the Pacific Coast. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1929), pp. i-xciv
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Plutarch and the Ruler Cult. Kenneth Scott. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1929), pp. 117-135
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The Misuse of Sacred Things at Rome. Eli Edward Burriss. The Classical Weekly. (Jan. 28, 1929), pp. 105-110
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Archaeological Discussions. Edward H. Heffner, E. P. B.. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct. - Dec., 1929), pp. 547-580
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Light from Arabia on Classical Things. Casper J. Kraemer, Jr.. The Classical Weekly. (Feb. 4, 1929), pp. 113-119
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The Classical Roman Name in Historical Fiction. Frederic S. Dunn. Classical Journal. (Jan., 1929), pp. 285-290
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Menandrea. L. A. Post. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1929), pp. 209-212
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The Preludes to Plato's Laws. Levi Arnold Post. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1929), pp. 5-24
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A Comparison of the Treatment by Vergil and by Ovid of the Aeneas-Dido Myth. Thomas Means. The Classical Weekly. (Nov. 18, 1929), pp. 41-44
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Humor in Homer and in Vergil (Concluded). Joseph William Hewitt. The Classical Weekly. (Apr. 22, 1929), pp. 177-181
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Tacitus, Annales 4.12.6. W. P. Clark. The Classical Weekly. (Dec. 16, 1929), pp. 66-67
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A New Inscription from Pozzuoli. James E. Dunlap. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Sep., 1929), pp. 393-397
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Archaeological Discussions. Edward H. Heffner, E. P. B.. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1929), pp. 219-264
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Archaeological News. Edward H. Heffner, W. F. Albright, E. P. B.. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan. - Mar., 1929), pp. 108-145
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Shenstone's Appreciation of Vergil. Harold Winsor Gammans. The Classical Weekly. (Jan. 14, 1929), pp. 90-91
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Regulations for a Local Sports Meeting. E. Norman Gardiner. Classical Review. (Dec., 1929), pp. 210-212
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The Augustan Vita Aureliani. W. H. Fisher. Journal of Roman Studies. (1929), pp. 125-149
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Relative Frequency as a Determinant of Phonetic Change. George Kingsley Zipf. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1929), pp. 1-95
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Lucius Julius Serenus, an Egyptian Landowner of the Second Century after Christ. Elizabeth Grier. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1929), pp. 42-47
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The Blonde Aeneas: Vergil, Aeneid 1.592. Marbury B. Ogle. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 28, 1929), pp. 28-30
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A Strange Law at Sparta. A. D. Knox. Classical Review. (May, 1929), pp. 52-53
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From Horace (Odes I. xxxvii.). J. A. Fort. Classical Review. (May, 1929), pp. 51-52
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The "Terentian" Comedies of a Tenth-Century Nun. Cornelia C. Coulter. Classical Journal. (Apr., 1929), pp. 515-529
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St. Augustine's "City of God": Its Plan and Development. Roy J. Deferrari, M. Jerome Keeler. American Journal of Philology. (1929), pp. 109-137
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Oriental Senators in the Service of Rome: A Study of Imperial Policy down to the Death of Marcus Aurelius. C. S. Walton. Journal of Roman Studies. (1929), pp. 38-66
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The Murderers of Laius. William Chase Greene. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1929), pp. 75-86
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The Character of Hannibal. H. V. Canter. Classical Journal. (May, 1929), pp. 564-577
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Scheria and the Phaeacians. Alexander David Fraser. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1929), pp. 155-178
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The Religious Life of Tibullus as Reflected in His Elegies. Eli Edward Burriss. The Classical Weekly. (Feb. 25, 1929), pp. 121-126
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Tracking the Greeks. Clarence P. Bill. Classical Journal. (Oct., 1929), pp. 29-48
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Melanchthon: A German Humanist. A. Pelzer Wagener. The Classical Weekly. (Mar. 25, 1929), pp. 155-160
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Miscellaneous Notes from Aelian. John A. Scott. Classical Journal. (Feb., 1929), pp. 374-376
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The Wilshere Collection at Pusey House in Oxford. T. B. L. Webster. Journal of Roman Studies. (1929), pp. 150-154
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The Transfer of the Soul at Death. Thomas Shearer Duncan. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1929), pp. 230-234
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Tendencies in the History of Ancient Religion. Ernst Riess. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 21, 1929), pp. 19-22
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Sophoclea II. A. C. Pearson. Classical Quarterly. (Apr., 1929), pp. 87-95
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P. S. I. 798 Fragments of Documents regarding Fishing. Robert C. Horn. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1929), pp. 164-168
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