hittite, name, anatolian, lycian, ramsay, hittites, lydian, phrygian, ahhiyawa, inscription, asia_minor, texts, luwian, lycia, language, names, duryodhana, kretschmer, indo-european, king, ahhiyawan, kumarbi, calder, keftiu, sterrett, anatolia, cilicia, isauria, cuneiform, forrer, madduwatta, phrygia, goetze, mursil, miletos, pisidian, tudhaliya, hittite_king, text, lycaonia, hurrian, iconium, bomos, western_anatolia, arzawa, letter, wilusa, brandenstein, stud, ahhijawa
Asia Minor, 1924. I.--Monuments from Iconium, Lycaonia and Isauria. W. H. Buckler, W. M. Calder, C. W. M. Cox. Journal of Roman Studies. (1924), pp. 24-84
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Studies in the Roman Province Galatia. VI.--Some Inscriptions of Colonia Caesarea Antiochea. William Mitchell Ramsay. Journal of Roman Studies. (1924), pp. 172-205
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Studies in Early Christian Epigraphy: II. W. M. Calder. Journal of Roman Studies. (1924), pp. 85-92
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Philological and Archeological Studies. Paul Haupt. American Journal of Philology. (1924), pp. 238-259
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The Achaeans in the Boghaz Keui Tablets. A. H. Sayce. Classical Review. (Nov. - Dec., 1924), pp. 164-165
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The Tears of Nannakos. W. M. Calder. Classical Review. (Aug. - Sep., 1924), pp. 113
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Notes on Tryphiodorus and Others. T. W. Lumb. Classical Review. (Aug. - Sep., 1924), pp. 113
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Aeschylus, Eumenides 945. F. M. Cornford. Classical Review. (Aug. - Sep., 1924), pp. 113
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Grattiana. C. Brakman. Classical Review. (Aug. - Sep., 1924), pp. 112-113
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Archaeological Discussions. Sidney N. Deane. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1924), pp. 171-208
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The Lex Gabinia Once More. M. Cary. Classical Review. (Nov. - Dec., 1924), pp. 162-164
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Bibliography of Archaeological Books 1923. Sidney N. Deane. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1924), pp. 209-238
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The Date of the Composition of the Historia Augusta. Norman H. Baynes. Classical Review. (Nov. - Dec., 1924), pp. 165-169
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Archaeological Discussions. Sidney N. Deane, E. P. B.. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct. - Dec., 1924), pp. 445-474
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A Preliminary Report on the Excavations at Pisidian Antioch and at Sizma. David M. Robinson. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct. - Dec., 1924), pp. 435-444
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A Misunderstood Passage in Martial. H. J. Rose. Classical Review. (May - Jun., 1924), pp. 64-65
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Some Traps in Persius' First Satire. H. J. Rose. Classical Review. (May - Jun., 1924), pp. 63-64
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