hittite, name, anatolian, lycian, ramsay, hittites, lydian, phrygian, ahhiyawa, inscription, asia_minor, texts, luwian, lycia, language, names, duryodhana, kretschmer, indo-european, king, ahhiyawan, kumarbi, calder, keftiu, sterrett, anatolia, cilicia, isauria, cuneiform, forrer, madduwatta, phrygia, goetze, mursil, miletos, pisidian, tudhaliya, hittite_king, text, lycaonia, hurrian, iconium, bomos, western_anatolia, arzawa, letter, wilusa, brandenstein, stud, ahhijawa
Narration in Anatolian, Syrian, and Assyrian Art. Hans G. Güterbock. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan., 1957), pp. 62-71
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Homer and Mycenae: Property and Tenure. M. I. Finley. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (Apr., 1957), pp. 133-159
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The Historical-Comparative Method. Murray Fowler. Classical Journal. (Mar., 1957), pp. 259-264
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Sociologia del mondo etrusco e problemi della tarda etruscita. Santo Mazzarino. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (Jan., 1957), pp. 98-122
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Colonisation and the Rise of Delphi. W. G. Forrest. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (Apr., 1957), pp. 160-175
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Narration in Egyptian Art. Helene J. Kantor. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan., 1957), pp. 44-54
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