stoic, stoics, chrysippus, zeno, sextus, cicero, posidonius, diogenes, philosophical, epictetus, philosophy, stoicism, philosophers, doctrine, plutarch, assent, sceptic, philo, diogenes_laertius, cynic, ethics, galen, academic, epicurean, impression, impressions, stoa, pyrrho, scepticism, panaetius, carneades, cleanthes, diog, things, philosopher, sceptical, epicurus, academics, fate, sedley, sage, position, aenesidemus, definition, antisthenes, skeptic, timon, prodicus, laert, sextus_empiricus
Sextus Empiricus and the Arts. A. Philip McMahon. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1931), pp. 79-137
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The Plotinian Logos and Its Stoic Basis. R. E. Witt. Classical Quarterly. (Apr., 1931), pp. 103-111
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The Hellenism of Clement of Alexandria. R. E. Witt. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1931), pp. 195-204
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Vergil. His Philosophic Background and His Relation to Christianity. Charles N. Smiley. Classical Journal. (Jun., 1931), pp. 660-675
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Gadarenes in Pagan Literature. Moses Hadas. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 26, 1931), pp. 25-30
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The Scholia Vetera to Pindar. Henry Thomson Deas. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1931), pp. 1-78
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ΣϒΝΕΣΙΣ and ΣϒΝΕΙΔΗΣΙΣ. H. Osborne. Classical Review. (Feb., 1931), pp. 8-10
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Adventures in Philology. Charles Burton Gulick. Classical Journal. (Nov., 1931), pp. 83-99
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Metpa ΘΑΛΑΣΣΗΣ. A. S. F. Gow. Classical Review. (Feb., 1931), pp. 10-12
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Gratitude to Parents in Greek and Roman Literature. Joseph William Hewitt. American Journal of Philology. (1931), pp. 30-48
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Two Notes. J. D. Denniston. Classical Review. (Feb., 1931), pp. 7-8
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