body, handle, foot, glaze, base, fragment, neck, diam, clay, black, shoulder, handles, bowl, reserved, inside, lower, fragments, wall, slightly, upper, bottom, band, vertical, ring, shape, glazed, flat, interior, horizontal, diameter, profile, buff, flaring, edge, bands, white, around, decoration, exterior, brown, outside, lines, concave, mouth, rounded, skyphos, agora, height, amphora, incised
The Last Mycenaeans at Corinth. Jeremy Rutter. Hesperia. (Oct. - Dec., 1979), pp. 348-392
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Kernoi from the Athenian Agora. Jerome J. Pollitt. Hesperia. (Jul. - Sep., 1979), pp. 205-233
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Corinth, 1978: Forum Southwest. Charles Kaufman Williams II. Hesperia. (Apr. - Jun., 1979), pp. 105-144
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Excavations at Porto Cheli and Vicinity Preliminary Report V: The Early Byzantine Remains. Wolf W. Rudolph, Mark C. Sheehan. Hesperia. (Jul. - Sep., 1979), pp. 294-324
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Late Minoan Incense Burners. Hara S. Georgiou. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct., 1979), pp. 427-435
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Late Helladic I Pottery from Korakou. Jack L. Davis. Hesperia. (Jul. - Sep., 1979), pp. 234-263
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Lydos and the Gigantomachy. Mary B. Moore. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan., 1979), pp. 79-99
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Early Helladic Hearth Rims at Corinth. John C. Lavezzi. Hesperia. (Oct. - Dec., 1979), pp. 342-347
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Aristotle and the Definition of Natural Things. J. E. Hare. Phronesis. (1979), pp. 168-179
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The So-Called Palaiokastro Treasure. Stella G. Miller. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr., 1979), pp. 175-191
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Stone Vases and Minyan Ware: A Facet of Minoan Influence on Middle Helladic Laconia. Jeremy B. Rutter. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct., 1979), pp. 464-469
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A Fragmentary Skyphos by the Affecter. John H. Oakley. Hesperia. (Oct. - Dec., 1979), pp. 393-396
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An Archaic Recording System in the Uruk-Jemdet Nasr Period. Denise Schmandt-Besserat. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan., 1979), pp. 19-48
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Samothrace: Supplementary Investigations, 1968-1977. James R. McCredie. Hesperia. (Jan. - Mar., 1979), pp. 1-44
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Excavations at Nemea, 1978. Stephen G. Miller. Hesperia. (Jan. - Mar., 1979), pp. 73-103
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The Dendra Octopus Cup and the Problem of Style in the Fifteenth Century Aegean. Jeffrey Hurwit. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct., 1979), pp. 413-426
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Elegiacs by Gallus from Qaṣr Ibrîm. R. D. Anderson, P. J. Parsons, R. G. M. Nisbet. Journal of Roman Studies. (1979), pp. 125-155
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A Foreign Vase Painter in Sparta. Gerald P. Schaus. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan., 1979), pp. 102-106
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The Susa Sequence-3000-2000 B. C.: Susa, Ville Royale I. Elizabeth Carter. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct., 1979), pp. 451-454
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Thera and Mycenaean Greece. Sp. Iakovidis. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan., 1979), pp. 101-102
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The Gorgos Cup. Carol Moon Cardon. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr., 1979), pp. 169-173
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A Corinthian Alabastron by the Populonia Painter. Karl Kilinski, II. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr., 1979), pp. 206-207
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The Chronology of LH IIIC. Sp. Iakovidis. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct., 1979), pp. 454-462
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The Early Gournia Town. Jeffrey S. Soles. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr., 1979), pp. 149-167
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Orestes and Electra at Cornell. Jane A. Barlow, John E. Coleman. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr., 1979), pp. 219-225
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An Emendation to the Prosopography of Roman Corinth. Glenn R. Bugh. Hesperia. (Jan. - Mar., 1979), pp. 45-53
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The Cologne Mani Codex Reconsidered. Albert Henrichs. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1979), pp. 339-367
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