body, handle, foot, glaze, base, fragment, neck, diam, clay, black, shoulder, handles, bowl, reserved, inside, lower, fragments, wall, slightly, upper, bottom, band, vertical, ring, shape, glazed, flat, interior, horizontal, diameter, profile, buff, flaring, edge, bands, white, around, decoration, exterior, brown, outside, lines, concave, mouth, rounded, skyphos, agora, height, amphora, incised
Roman Britain in 2002. B. C. Burnham, F. Hunter, A. P. Fitzpatrick, M. W. C. Hassall, R. S. O. Tomlin. Britannia. (2003), pp. 293-359+361-382
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Britons and Romans at Chatteris: Investigations at Langwood Farm, Cambridgeshire. Christopher Evans. Britannia. (2003), pp. 175-264
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The Dating of Servius Revisited. C. E. Murgia. Classical Philology. (Jan., 2003), pp. 45-69
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Roman Inscriptions 1995-2000. Richard Gordon, Joyce Reynolds. Journal of Roman Studies. (2003), pp. 212-294
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The Rotary Querns from the Society of Antiquaries' Excavations at Silchester, 1890-1909. Ruth Shaffrey. Britannia. (2003), pp. 143-174
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How (Not) to Look at a Woman: Bodily Encounters and the Failure of the Gaze in Horace's c. 1.19. Elizabeth H. Sutherland. American Journal of Philology. (Spring, 2003), pp. 57-80
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A Votive Head from West Wight. Jean Bagnall Smith, Martin Henig, Kevin Trott. Britannia. (2003), pp. 265-268
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Locking-in and Locking-out Lydia: Lyric Form and Power in Horace's C. I.25 and III.9. Timothy S. Johnson. Classical Journal. (Dec., 2003 - Jan., 2004), pp. 113-134
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