hymn, hymns, mani, film, riddle, riddles, manichaean, films, processional, fortunatus, sect, baptists, breadth, medieval, sarum, codex, salve, hymnal, liturgical, dies, hiereia, sequences, messenger, elchasai, cologne, symphosius, mani-codex, mozarabic, easter, ruth_ellis, clearchus, frontal, manichaeism, stanza, anal, liturgy, acrostic, festa, sophronius, angle, cinema, larensius, virgin, nicean, hollywood, ben-hur, christe, baptist, epiphany, mann
Poe's Nicéan Barks (A Hitory of Attempts to Interpret the Cruses). Edward D. Snyder. Classical Journal. (Feb., 1953), pp. 159-169
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Notes on Inscriptions from Phlius. G. A. Stamires. Hesperia. (Jan. - Mar., 1953), pp. 57-58
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The Mediaeval Scribe. Winifred Marry. Classical Journal. (Mar., 1953), pp. 207-214
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Athenian Imperialism. D. B. Gregor. Greece & Rome. (Feb., 1953), pp. 27-32
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Recent Discoveries in Ancient Economic History. F. M. Heichelheim. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (1953), pp. 129-135
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