hymn, hymns, mani, film, riddle, riddles, manichaean, films, processional, fortunatus, sect, baptists, breadth, medieval, sarum, codex, salve, hymnal, liturgical, dies, hiereia, sequences, messenger, elchasai, cologne, symphosius, mani-codex, mozarabic, easter, ruth_ellis, clearchus, frontal, manichaeism, stanza, anal, liturgy, acrostic, festa, sophronius, angle, cinema, larensius, virgin, nicean, hollywood, ben-hur, christe, baptist, epiphany, mann
Audiovisual Materials for the Teaching of the Classics: A Review-Article. J. Hilton Turner. The Classical Weekly. (Nov. 16, 1956), pp. 49-62
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The Classics in the Twentieth Century. Gerald F. Else. Classical Journal. (Oct., 1956), pp. 1-9
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Alcmena and Amphitryon in Ancient and Modern Drama. L. R. Shero. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1956), pp. 192-238
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The Sculptured Frieze from Bassae (A Revised Sequence). W. B. Dinsmoor. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct., 1956), pp. 401-452
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Changing Objectives and Procedures in Teaching Latin, 1556-1956. George E. Ganss. Classical Journal. (Oct., 1956), pp. 15-22
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