heracles, herakles, lion, hero, theseus, perseus, serpent, bull, deianeira, snake, centaur, hercules, boar, gorgon, medusa, snakes, centaurs, monster, deianira, shield, andromeda, giant, hydra, myth, amphitryon, hyllus, club, eurystheus, lions, geryon, story, athena, bellerophon, triton, dragon, giants, gorgons, nessus, lichas, nereus, labors, battle, zeus, monsters, iolaus, serpents, chimaera, chiron, antaios, iole
Archaeological Discussions. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Oct., 1897), pp. 388-453
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Cretan Expedition IV. Some Cretan Sculptures in the Museum of the Syllogos of Candia. Federico Halbherr. American Journal of Archaeology. (May - Jun., 1897), pp. 239-250
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Archaeological News. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Oct., 1897), pp. 333-387
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Tenochtitlan: Its Site Identified. Arthur Howard Noll. American Journal of Archaeology. (Nov. - Dec., 1897), pp. 515-524
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Contested Etymologies. Edwin W. Fay. Classical Review. (Feb., 1897), pp. 12-15
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The Origin of Roman Praenomina. George Davis Chase. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1897), pp. 103-184
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Greek Grave-Reliefs. Richard Norton. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1897), pp. 41-102
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Notes on Some Passages of the 'Agamemnon' of Aeschylus. T. G. Tucker. Classical Review. (Nov., 1897), pp. 403-405
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Ovid's 'Heroides'. (Continued). A. E. Housman. Classical Review. (Jun., 1897), pp. 238-242
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