soph, sense, jebb, aeschylus, aesch, euripides, sophocles, text, line, reading, fraenkel, hermann, wilamowitz, wecklein, diggle, passage, murray, word, hipp, editors, codd, page, emendation, headlam, conjecture, pearson, verse, dawe, paley, andr, corruption, barrett, nauck, denniston, verrall, lloyd-jones, tucker, trach, supp, elmsley, verb, phoen, pers, willink, stevens, campbell, mean, colloquial, manuscripts, blaydes
Aeschylus, Supp. 819-820. C. J. Brennan. Classical Review. (Oct., 1891), pp. 388-389
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Herodas, IV. A. S. Murray. Classical Review. (Oct., 1891), pp. 389
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The Inscribed Whorl from Troy. A. H. Sayce. Classical Review. (Oct., 1891), pp. 389
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Plut. Them. xxi. H. Richards. Classical Review. (Oct., 1891), pp. 389
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Thuc. iv. 64. G. E. Marindin. Classical Review. (Oct., 1891), pp. 389-390
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On Soph. Trach. 504. L. H. S.. Classical Review. (Oct., 1891), pp. 389
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Notes on Herodas. W. R. Paton, A. C. Pearson. Classical Review. (Dec., 1891), pp. 483-484
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Ovid, Trist. III. i. 77-78. P. Sandford. Classical Review. (Dec., 1891), pp. 484-485
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Aristophanes, Acharn. 920-925. C. J. Brennan. Classical Review. (Dec., 1891), pp. 484
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Appendix: Proceedings of Twenty-Third Annual Session, Princeton, N. J., 1891. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1870). (1891), pp. 109+i-lxxiv
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Jebb's Philoctetes. A. S.. Classical Review. (Apr., 1891), pp. 147-149
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Un-Aristotelian Words and Phrases. Herbert Richards. Classical Review. (Jun., 1891), pp. 272-273
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On the Use of the Hiatus in the ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΑ. J. W. Headlam. Classical Review. (Jun., 1891), pp. 270-272
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The Greek Stage According to the Extant Dramas. Edward Capps. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1870). (1891), pp. 5-78
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Emendations of Herodas. E. L. Hicks, Henry Jackson, Robinson Ellis. Classical Review. (Oct., 1891), pp. 350-363
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Mr. Marindin on Soph. Aj. 651. R. White Law. Classical Review. (Feb., 1891), pp. 66-67
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Πολλοὶκαὶἄλλοι. Milton W. Humphreys. Classical Review. (Nov., 1891), pp. 431-432
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Thuc. ii. 11. F. Haverfield. Classical Review. (Feb., 1891), pp. 67
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Tragic Tribrachs. F. Haverfield. Classical Review. (Feb., 1891), pp. 67
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The Latin Aorist Subjunctive. F. A. Kirkpatrick, Willis H. Bocock. Classical Review. (Feb., 1891), pp. 67-68
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Notes on the Text of the ἈΘΗΝΑΙΩΝ ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΑ. Classical Review. (Apr., 1891), pp. 175-182
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Notes on Thucydides IV. Frank Carter. Classical Review. (May, 1891), pp. 195-198
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Correspondence. R. C. Jebb. American Journal of Philology. (1891), pp. 256-258
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Notes on Aeschylus, Agamemnon. E. A. L. M., H. L. B.. Classical Review. (Oct., 1891), pp. 388
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Scholia on the 'Electra' of Euripides. Charles H. Keene. Classical Review. (Nov., 1891), pp. 432-433
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The Passive Infinitive in Latin. E. H. Miles. Classical Review. (May, 1891), pp. 198-199
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Metaphors and Allusive Language in Greek Lyric Poetry. W. R. Hardie. Classical Review. (May, 1891), pp. 193-195
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Conditional Sentences in the Greek Tragedians. Edward B. Clapp. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1870). (1891), pp. 81-92
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Euripides' Antiope. Lewis Campbell. Classical Review. (Nov., 1891), pp. 401-402
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Notes on Some Fragments of Menander. Edward W. B. Nicholson. Classical Review. (Nov., 1891), pp. 399-401
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Un-Aristotelian Words and Phrases. H. Richards, J. B. Mayor, Arthur Platt. Classical Review. (Apr., 1891), pp. 184-185
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On the Infinitive after Expressions of Fearing in Greek. F. B. Tarbell. American Journal of Philology. (1891), pp. 70-72
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Further Notes. H. Richards, W. Wyse, E. S. Thompson, E. Poste. Classical Review. (Jul., 1891), pp. 334-337
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The New Fragments of the Antiope. W. Headlam, J. E. Sandys, R. Garnett. Classical Review. (Apr., 1891), pp. 185
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Virgil, Aeneid vi. 567, iii. 702. Arthur Platt. Classical Review. (Jul., 1891), pp. 337
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Rare Words in Aristotle's 'Constitution of Athens'. E. J. Chinnock. Classical Review. (May, 1891), pp. 229-230
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Pindar, Nem. ix. 22, 23. A. C. Pearson. Classical Review. (Jul., 1891), pp. 337
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The Participial Construction with τυγχάνειν and κυρειν. J. R. Wheeler. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1891), pp. 143-157
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Horace, Ep. 1. vii. 29. H. A. Strong. Classical Review. (Jul., 1891), pp. 337-338
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Euripides, Electra 797. Charles H. Keene. Classical Review. (Mar., 1891), pp. 127
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Euripides, Bacchae 506. J. B. Bury. Classical Review. (Mar., 1891), pp. 127
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Correspondence. J. P. Mahaffy. Classical Review. (Apr., 1891), pp. 186-187
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Dr. Dörpfeld's Theory of the Greek Stage. H. Richards. Classical Review. (Mar., 1891), pp. 97
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Soph. Aj. 651. R. Whitelaw. Classical Review. (May, 1891), pp. 230
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Hor. C. II. xi. 21. P. Sandford. Classical Review. (Jul., 1891), pp. 337
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Swallows in the House. J. G. Frazer, D'Arcy W. Thompson, Claudius Harper. Classical Review. (May, 1891), pp. 230-231
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Some Notes on the New Antiope Fragments. W. G. Rutherford, Lewis Campbell. Classical Review. (Mar., 1891), pp. 123-126
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Additional Fragments of Herodas. F. G. Kenyon. Classical Review. (Dec., 1891), pp. 480-482
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On Callim. Lauacr. Pallad. 93-97. Robinson Ellis. American Journal of Philology. (1891), pp. 348-349
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Leucon's Liberality to Athens. W. Hobhouse, Cecil Torr. Classical Review. (Mar., 1891), pp. 127
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Greek and Roman Barbers. Frank W. Nicolson. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1891), pp. 41-56
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The Myth in Plato's Politicus. J. Adam. Classical Review. (Dec., 1891), pp. 445-446
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Dr. Weymouth on the Greek Aorist and Perfect. Classical Review. (Jun., 1891), pp. 267-269
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Corrected Readings of Papyrus. F. G. Kenyon. Classical Review. (Dec., 1891), pp. 482-483
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Notes on the Text of the ἈΘΗΝΑΙΩΝ ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΑ. Classical Review. (Mar., 1891), pp. 105-119
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Verg. Aen. vi. 743. R. Whitelaw. Classical Review. (Apr., 1891), pp. 186
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Critical Notes on the Dialogus of Tacitus. Alfred Gudeman. American Journal of Philology. (1891), pp. 327-347
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Latin Accentuation. W. M. Lindsay. Classical Review. (Oct., 1891), pp. 373-377
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On Some Uses of the Aorist Participle. R. Whitelaw, Frank Carter. Classical Review. (Jun., 1891), pp. 248-253
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The 'Stage' in Aristophanes. John Williams White. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1891), pp. 159-205
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The Hours of the Day in the Fourth Gospel. J. A. Cross. Classical Review. (Jun., 1891), pp. 245-248
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On Some Uses•of the Aorist Participle. F. Carter, Milton W. Humphreys. Classical Review. (Feb., 1891), pp. 3-7
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The Bearing of the New Papyrus on Some Cardinal Points in Textual Criticism. W. G. Rutherford. Classical Review. (Mar., 1891), pp. 89-91
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