soph, sense, jebb, aeschylus, aesch, euripides, sophocles, text, line, reading, fraenkel, hermann, wilamowitz, wecklein, diggle, passage, murray, word, hipp, editors, codd, page, emendation, headlam, conjecture, pearson, verse, dawe, paley, andr, corruption, barrett, nauck, denniston, verrall, lloyd-jones, tucker, trach, supp, elmsley, verb, phoen, pers, willink, stevens, campbell, mean, colloquial, manuscripts, blaydes
Speech and Silence in the "Oresteia" 1: "Agamemnon" 1025-1029. W. G. Thalmann. The Phoenix. (Summer, 1985), pp. 99-118
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Castor in Euripides' Electra (El. 307-13 and 1292-1307). David Kovacs. Classical Quarterly. (1985), pp. 306-314
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Some Types of Abnormal Word-Order in Attic Comedy. K. J. Dover. Classical Quarterly. (1985), pp. 324-343
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Xenophanes, Aeschylus, and the Doctrine of Primeval Brutishness. Michael J. O'Brien. Classical Quarterly. (1985), pp. 264-277
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The Destruction of Limits in Sophokles' Elektra. Richard Seaford. Classical Quarterly. (1985), pp. 315-323
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A Re-Interpretation of Prometheus Bound 514. Stephen G. Daitz. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1985), pp. 13-17
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Aspects of Aeschylus' Homeric Usages. R. W. Garson. The Phoenix. (Spring, 1985), pp. 1-5
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Ληκύθιον ἀπώλεϲεν: Some Reservations. David Bain. Classical Quarterly. (1985), pp. 31-37
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Speech and Silence in the "Oresteia" 2. W. G. Thalmann. The Phoenix. (Autumn, 1985), pp. 221-237
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Λευκὰς πέτρη. J. D. Morgan. Classical Quarterly. (1985), pp. 229-232
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Heraclitus "fr. 10": A Musical Interpretation. K. M. W. Shipton. Phronesis. (1985), pp. 111-130
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Αὐτὸς ἐκει̑νος: A Neglected Idiom. R. Janko. Classical Quarterly. (1985), pp. 20-30
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Slings and Arrows: The Debate with Lycus in the Heracles. Richard Hamilton. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1985), pp. 19-25
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Ino in Euripides' Medea. Rick M. Newton. American Journal of Philology. (Winter, 1985), pp. 496-502
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Two Lives or Three? Pericles on the Athenian Character (Thucydides 2.40.1-2). J. S. Rusten. Classical Quarterly. (1985), pp. 14-19
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Hesiod's Didactic Poetry. Malcolm Heath. Classical Quarterly. (1985), pp. 245-263
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The Razing of the House in Greek Society. W. R. Connor. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1985), pp. 79-102
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ἀλλ᾽ εἰδέναι χρὴ δρῶσαν: The Meaning of Sophocles Trachiniai 588-93. Friedrich Solmsen. American Journal of Philology. (Winter, 1985), pp. 490-496
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The Pindar Scholia. Mary R. Lefkowitz. American Journal of Philology. (Autumn, 1985), pp. 269-282
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Herodotus' Epigraphical Interests. Stephanie West. Classical Quarterly. (1985), pp. 278-305
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Correspondences. D. R. Shackleton Bailey. American Journal of Philology. (Spring, 1985), pp. 114
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Anaximenes ("F Gr Hist" 72) F 4. R. Develin. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (4th Qtr., 1985), pp. 493-496
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The Hypaspists: Macedonia's Professional Citizen-Soldiers. Edward M. Anson. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (2nd Qtr., 1985), pp. 246-248
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Pindar's Heroic Ideal at Pyth. 4.186-87. William H. Race. American Journal of Philology. (Autumn, 1985), pp. 350-356
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Ezekiel Exagoge 208. W. Geoffrey Arnott. American Journal of Philology. (Summer, 1985), pp. 240-241
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Old Persian Marīka-, Eupolis Marikas and Aristophanes Knights. Albio Cesare Cassio. Classical Quarterly. (1985), pp. 38-42
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Hesiod's Myth of the Four Races. Carl W. Querbach. Classical Journal. (Oct. - Nov., 1985), pp. 1-12
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Herodotean Cruces. Robert Renehan. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1985), pp. 25-35
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Aristophanes Ecclesiazusae 76 ff. K. H. Lee. American Journal of Philology. (Summer, 1985), pp. 225-227
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Chloe and Phyllis: Horace Carmina 1. 23 and 4. 11. David H. Porter. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1985), pp. 137-139
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Deaths in the Pan-Hellenic Games II: All Combative Sports. Robert Brophy, Mary Brophy. American Journal of Philology. (Summer, 1985), pp. 171-198
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Homeric Warfare Practices. George Stagakis. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (2nd Qtr., 1985), pp. 129-152
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Euripidean Priests. Richard Hamilton. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1985), pp. 53-73
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The Annotations of M. Valerivs Probvs (II) [The Annotations of M. Valerius Probus (II)]. H. D. Jocelyn. Classical Quarterly. (1985), pp. 149-161
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