anid, witlh, tlle, lhave, tlhe, hiis, otlher, anld, aind, lhas, niot, thle, wlichl, aiid, tile, onie, lato, wlhich, suclh, fromn, lhad, wlhiclh, thie, wlhat, slhould, latini, whiclh, kosmoi, witlhout, onily, wlho, buit, wlhere, wvith, fiom, kletonymos, witli, botlh, tlhus, tlheory, froin, auxiliary, grote, wvas, aniy, hebrew, liave, withi, lias, beeni
Imperium Macedonicum: The Seleucid Empire and the Literary Evidence. Charles Edson. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1958), pp. 153-170
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Roman Britain in 1957: I. Sites Explored: II. Inscriptions. Journal of Roman Studies. (1958), pp. 130-155
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"Well-Rounded Truth" and Circular Thought in Parmenides. G. Jameson. Phronesis. (1958), pp. 15-30
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Accident and Design in Euripides' Medea. T. V. Buttrey. American Journal of Philology. (1958), pp. 1-17
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The Origin of the Ten-Book Family of Pliny Manuscripts. S. E. Stout. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1958), pp. 171-173
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C.A.A.S. Looks to the Future. Franklin B. Krauss. The Classical World. (May, 1958), pp. 217-221
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The Governors of the Province Asia in the Reign of Augustus. K. M. T. Atkinson. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (Jul., 1958), pp. 300-330
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Obituaries in Tacitus. Ronald Syme. American Journal of Philology. (1958), pp. 18-31
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Plato's Phaedo 74b7-c6, Part 2. K. W. Mills. Phronesis. (1958), pp. 40-58
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Imperator Caesar: A Study in Nomenclature. Ronald Syme. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (Apr., 1958), pp. 172-188
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Assumptions Involved in the Third Man Argument. N. B. Booth. Phronesis. (1958), pp. 146-149
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Four Hundred Sixty Talents. Mortimer Chambers. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1958), pp. 26-32
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Recent Work on Vergil (1940-1956) (Continued). George E. Duckworth. The Classical World. (May, 1958), pp. 228-235
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Was Roman Art of the First Centuries B.C. and A.D. Classicizing?. Gisela M. A. Richter. Journal of Roman Studies. (1958), pp. 10-15
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The Character and Provenance of Socrates' 'Dream' in the "Theaetetus". Winifred Hicken. Phronesis. (1958), pp. 126-145
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Notes on Papyri and Ostraca. Herbert C. Youtie. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1958), pp. 374-407
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The Ides of March. J. P. V. D. Balsdon. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (Jan., 1958), pp. 80-94
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Recent Work on Vergil (1940-1956) (Continued). George E. Duckworth. The Classical World. (Mar., 1958), pp. 151-159
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Greek Geometrical Analysis. Norman Gulley. Phronesis. (1958), pp. 1-14
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A Current Survey of Ancient Rhetoric. Charles S. Rayment. The Classical World. (Dec., 1958), pp. 75-76+78-80+82-84+86-91
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