anid, witlh, tlle, lhave, tlhe, hiis, otlher, anld, aind, lhas, niot, thle, wlichl, aiid, tile, onie, lato, wlhich, suclh, fromn, lhad, wlhiclh, thie, wlhat, slhould, latini, whiclh, kosmoi, witlhout, onily, wlho, buit, wlhere, wvith, fiom, kletonymos, witli, botlh, tlhus, tlheory, froin, auxiliary, grote, wvas, aniy, hebrew, liave, withi, lias, beeni
What Difference Did Christianity Make?. Ramsay Mac Mullen. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (3rd Qtr., 1986), pp. 322-343
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Fourth Century Conceptions of Maiotian Ethnography. John R. Gardiner-Garden. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (2nd Qtr., 1986), pp. 192-225
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Ovid's Amores: The Prime Sources for the Text. D. S. McKie. Classical Quarterly. (1986), pp. 219-238
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