proverb, proverbs, gnomai, prophasis, gnome, maxim, phryne, maxims, wisdom, mccredie, adynaton, deip, hyperides, saying, sayings, glaukos, expressions, adynata, aitia, contradictory, proverbial, paroem, euthias, excuse, lardinois, disrobing, duport, ayav, dementat, gnomic, seitel, briggs, montluc, ahrens, pretext, dutoit, suretyship, shapiro, dundes, paroemiology, duels, eubulus, schweighaeuser, spruch, haya, kallikles, mieder, proverbium, vernacular, sermon
Critical Notes on Clem. Al. Strom. III. Book III. J. B. Mayor. Classical Review. (Nov., 1894), pp. 385-391
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Critical Notes on the 'Republic' of Plato. (Continued). Herbert Richards. Classical Review. (Feb., 1894), pp. 22-25
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Critical Notes on the First Book of the 'Stromateis' of Clement of Alexandria. J. B. Mayor. Classical Review. (Jun., 1894), pp. 233-239
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Critical Notes on Clem. Al. Strom. I. and II. J. B. Mayor. Classical Review. (Jul., 1894), pp. 281-288
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The Athos MS. of the Homeric Hymns. Μ. ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΙΔΗΣ. Classical Review. (Oct., 1894), pp. 341-344
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Agglutination and Adaptation. I. Edwin W. Fay. American Journal of Philology. (1894), pp. 409-442
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On the Authorship of the Leptinean Orations Attributed to Aristeides. J. E. Harry. American Journal of Philology. (1894), pp. 66-73
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Some Poetical Constructions in Thucydides. Charles Forster Smith. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1870). (1894), pp. 61-81
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Annotations in Lewis and Short's Lexicon. W. R. Inge. Classical Review. (Feb., 1894), pp. 25-27
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The Origin of the Gerund and Gerundive. L. Horton-Smith. American Journal of Philology. (1894), pp. 194-216
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On St. John's Method of Reckoning the Hours of the Day. Edwin A. Abbott. Classical Review. (Jun., 1894), pp. 243-246
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