proverb, proverbs, gnomai, prophasis, gnome, maxim, phryne, maxims, wisdom, mccredie, adynaton, deip, hyperides, saying, sayings, glaukos, expressions, adynata, aitia, contradictory, proverbial, paroem, euthias, excuse, lardinois, disrobing, duport, ayav, dementat, gnomic, seitel, briggs, montluc, ahrens, pretext, dutoit, suretyship, shapiro, dundes, paroemiology, duels, eubulus, schweighaeuser, spruch, haya, kallikles, mieder, proverbium, vernacular, sermon
The Literary Tradition of Gyges and Candaules. Kirby Flower Smith. American Journal of Philology. (1920), pp. 1-37
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The Religious Background of the Prometheus Vinctus. James Alexander Kerr Thomson. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1920), pp. 1-37
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Miscellanea Hesiodea. Hugh G. Evelyn White. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1920), pp. 126-131
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Ethologia or Aetiologia in Suetonius De Grammaticis c. 4, and Quintilian i. 9. Rodney P. Robinson. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1920), pp. 370-379
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Posidonius and the Sources of Pythagorean Arithmology. Frank Egleston Robbins. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1920), pp. 309-322
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Notes on Thucydides, Book VI. A. W. Gomme. Classical Review. (Aug. - Sep., 1920), pp. 81-85
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Some Emendations of Pindar. R. J. Shackle. Classical Review. (Aug. - Sep., 1920), pp. 85-87
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Vergilius Iurisconsultus. Max Radin. Classical Journal. (Feb., 1920), pp. 304-306
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On Xenophon, Anabasis i.4.13. Robert J. Bonner. Classical Journal. (Feb., 1920), pp. 306-307
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A Classification of the Similes of Homer. Eliza G. Wilkins. The Classical Weekly. (Mar. 15, 1920), pp. 147-150
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A Classification of the Similes of Homer (Concluded). Eliza G. Wilkins. The Classical Weekly. (Mar. 22, 1920), pp. 154-159
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The Trial of Saint Eugenia. Campbell Bonner. American Journal of Philology. (1920), pp. 253-264
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