Notes on the Text of the ἈΘΗΝΑΙΩΝ ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΑ. Classical Review. (Mar., 1891), pp. 105-119
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Notes. Cecil Torr, L. Campbell, J. E. Sandys, John E. B. Mayor, Herbert Richards, H. Jackson, W. Wyse. Classical Review. (Mar., 1891), pp. 119-122
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Emendations of Herodas. E. L. Hicks, Henry Jackson, Robinson Ellis. Classical Review. (Oct., 1891), pp. 350-363
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Apparatus Criticus ad Ciceronis Libros de Natura Deorum. P. Schwenke. Classical Review. (Dec., 1891), pp. 458-461
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The Decelean Inscription and Attic Phratries. W. R. Paton. Classical Review. (May, 1891), pp. 221-223
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