hetairos, therapon, hetairoi, philet, brendan, therapontes, phrynichus, associate, hyperesia, amisiae, automedon, navigatio, prav, laevo, amne, cornelianus, selmer, subvexit, emden, contingent, myrmidon, philetaerus, brendani, transposuit, parvm, delphobus, ypay, epibatai, hyperesiai, feriunt, relicta, diodes, faciunt, graefe, pariter, sipara, toxotai, classis, koechly, supparus
Aenesidemus and the Academy. Fernanda Decleva Caizzi. Classical Quarterly. (1992), pp. 176-189
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Thucydides 7.13.2 and the Crews of Athenian Triremes. A. J. Graham. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1992), pp. 257-270
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Crates on Poetic Criticism. Elizabeth Asmis. The Phoenix. (Summer, 1992), pp. 138-169
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Priscus on the Suani. David Braund. The Phoenix. (Spring, 1992), pp. 62-65
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How Not to Read a Poem: Unmixing Simonides from "Protagoras". Anne Carson. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1992), pp. 110-130
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Lepidus, the Proscriptions and the "Laudatio Turiae". Alain M. Gowing. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (1992), pp. 283-296
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