hetairos, therapon, hetairoi, philet, brendan, therapontes, phrynichus, associate, hyperesia, amisiae, automedon, navigatio, prav, laevo, amne, cornelianus, selmer, subvexit, emden, contingent, myrmidon, philetaerus, brendani, transposuit, parvm, delphobus, ypay, epibatai, hyperesiai, feriunt, relicta, diodes, faciunt, graefe, pariter, sipara, toxotai, classis, koechly, supparus
Thucydides and the Geographical Tradition. Lionel Pearson. Classical Quarterly. (Jan., 1939), pp. 48-54
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Aristotle and Satyr-Play. I. Gerald F. Else. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1939), pp. 139-157
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Rhythm and Authenticity in Plutarch's Moralia. F. H. Sandbach. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1939), pp. 194-203
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On Some Passages of Plato's Philebus. R. Hackforth. Classical Quarterly. (Jan., 1939), pp. 23-29
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The Aviary Simile in the Theaetetus. H. D. P. Lee. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1939), pp. 208-211
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Dacians on the Southern Bank of the Danube. A. Alföldi. Journal of Roman Studies. (1939), pp. 28-31
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Meleager and the "Soros". William, Mary Wallace. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1939), pp. 191-202
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Notes on Plato's Laws. L. A. Post. American Journal of Philology. (1939), pp. 93-105
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Prickings in a Manuscript of Orléans. E. K. Rand. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1939), pp. 327-341
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Herodotus and the Names of Egyptian Gods. Richmond Lattimore. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1939), pp. 357-365
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Reconstructing the History of a Language. Roland G. Kent. The Classical Weekly. (Apr. 17, 1939), pp. 244-248
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