pythagoras, pythagorean, pythagoreans, dream, dreams, daimon, archytas, artemidorus, pletho, hercher, anonymus, burkert, pythagoreanism, aristoxenus, iamblichus, nicomachus, ethos, daimonion, procreationist, procreationism, reproductive, iamblichos, bessarion, croton, tract, gaza, eponumos, philolaus, porphyrius, daimones, sexual_activity, pyth, ocellus, porphyry, charondas, arith, reproduction, beans, timaeus, polemon, symbola, b119, fraqistjan, iambl, philolaos, rosenthal, stob, salmoxis, temperate, thesleff
Pythagoras of Samos. J. S. Morrison. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1956), pp. 135-156
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Per una critica dell' ideologia di Alessandro Magno. Roberto Andreotti. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (Sep., 1956), pp. 257-302
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Catullus, Carmen V: Abacus or Finger-Counting?. Roger Pack. American Journal of Philology. (1956), pp. 47-51
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A Philosophic Allegory?. Franklin P. Johnson. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan., 1956), pp. 57-61
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A Fragment of the Arimaspea. C. M. Bowra. Classical Quarterly. (Jan. - Apr., 1956), pp. 1-10
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Victory in the Pentathlon. George E. Bean. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct., 1956), pp. 361-368
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The Fragments of the Presocratic Philosophers. J. A. Philip. The Phoenix. (Autumn, 1956), pp. 116-123
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Notes on Plutarch (Alex. 47, 70; Brut. 12). J. R. Hamilton. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1956), pp. 170-172
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The Mathematical Passage in the Epinomis. A. R. Lacey. Phronesis. (May, 1956), pp. 81-104
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