pythagoras, pythagorean, pythagoreans, dream, dreams, daimon, archytas, artemidorus, pletho, hercher, anonymus, burkert, pythagoreanism, aristoxenus, iamblichus, nicomachus, ethos, daimonion, procreationist, procreationism, reproductive, iamblichos, bessarion, croton, tract, gaza, eponumos, philolaus, porphyrius, daimones, sexual_activity, pyth, ocellus, porphyry, charondas, arith, reproduction, beans, timaeus, polemon, symbola, b119, fraqistjan, iambl, philolaos, rosenthal, stob, salmoxis, temperate, thesleff
Tuxh in Aristoxenus, Fr. 41, and Eudemian Ethics Θ.2. Michael J. Mills. American Journal of Philology. (Summer, 1982), pp. 204-208
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Beans, Pythagoras, Taboos, and Ancient Dietetics. John Scarborough. The Classical World. (Jul. - Aug., 1982), pp. 355-358
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Geminus of Tyre and the Patron of Artemidorus. John J. Winkler. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1982), pp. 245-248
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The Right Way to Dress (On Artemid. Onir. 3.24). Richard F. Thomas. American Journal of Philology. (Winter, 1982), pp. 445-446
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Artemidorus Daldianus, Onirocritica 3.24. William M. Calder, III. American Journal of Philology. (Spring, 1982), pp. 88-89
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Characterization and Philosophical Decor in Heliodorus' Aethiopica. Gerald N. Sandy. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1982), pp. 141-167
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Interview and Aftermath: Dream, Fantasy, and Intuition in Odyssey 19 and 20. Joseph Russo. American Journal of Philology. (Spring, 1982), pp. 4-18
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Amber, Avallon, and Apollo's Singing Swan. Frederick M. Ahl. American Journal of Philology. (Winter, 1982), pp. 373-411
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Civilis Princeps: Between Citizen and King. Andrew Wallace-Hadrill. Journal of Roman Studies. (1982), pp. 32-48
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Hybris in the Second Stasimon of the Oedipus Rex. Ruth Scodel. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1982), pp. 214-223
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The Hippocratic Physician and His Drugs: A Reinterpretation of ΑΠΟΡΕΙΣΘΑΙ and ΔΙΑΜΑΡΤΑΝΕΙΝ in Chapter 2 of ΠΕΡΙ ΑΕΡΩΝ, ΥΔΑΤΩΝ, ΤΟΠΩΝ. Peter Brain. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1982), pp. 48-51
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A New Document from the Isthmian Games. D. R. Jordan, A. J. S. Spawforth. Hesperia. (Jan. - Mar., 1982), pp. 65-68
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What Does Thucydides Claim for His Speeches?. John Wilson. The Phoenix. (Summer, 1982), pp. 95-103
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Aeschylus, Agamemnon 1285-1289. C. W. MacLeod. Classical Quarterly. (1982), pp. 231-232
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Some Addenda to the Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire. Barry Baldwin. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (1st Qtr., 1982), pp. 97-111
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Ritualistic Formulae in Greek Dramatic Texts. Howard Jacobson. Classical Quarterly. (1982), pp. 233-234
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Archaeology in Asia Minor. Machteld J. Mellink. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct., 1982), pp. 557-576
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The Fundamentals of the Via Negativa. Raoul Mortley. American Journal of Philology. (Winter, 1982), pp. 429-439
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Alexander of Aphrodisias, on Time. R. W. Sharples. Phronesis. (1982), pp. 58-81
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